The other night at dinner, I had the unfortunate experience of trying to speak logic to a liberal. As usual the political onslaught of liberal inequity perforated to the surface. We started talking about ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. In liberal talk, they are called “Immigrants". He then asked me if I’m a Christian (I immediately see his next coarse of argument...Oh and here it predictably comes). He stated, “Well if your Christian, did Jesus not break the laws of his time? Was Jesus not a rebel? He overturned tables in the temple! Would Jesus not try to help everyone,? Jesus would try to help these “Immigrants"! Jesus would approve of the“Immigrants" breaking our law established by our democratic government and that Jesus did not observe the rules of the authorities. he routinely broke the laws".
This is how I dismantled him…
Now, the first issue that must be discussed is the three tiered form of Government Jesus dealt with (This statement is an oxymoron itself, because Christ is the ultimate authority) . During Jesus time the epicenter of authority for this part of the world was Rome. The leaders of Rome during Jesus Christs time were Augustus (30 B.C. - A.D. 14) Jesus' birth (circa 5 B.C.) (Luke 2) Tiberius (AD. 14-37). Included in this top level of authority was Pontius Pilate Governor of Judea from 26 CE to 36 CE. Now, this form of Roman government worshiped false gods and certainly did not adhere to the laws of the Torah. The second level would be the vassal kings of the Herodian Family, Herod the Great - (Matthew 2:1-19, Luke 1:5) - Authority over Palestine at time of Jesus' birth and Herod Antipas - (Mark 6:14-29, Luke 3:1, 13:31-35, 23:7-12) - Controlled Galilee and Perea during Jesus'; public ministry. In addition, the Herodian family did not practice the laws of the Torah. The last being The Pharisees. There were around 6,000 Pharisees during Jesus' time on earth. Pharisees were leaders in the local synagogue. Most every Jewish community had their own synagogue, while there was only one temple and it was in Jerusalem.
Jesus did not routinely break the Laws. In fact he never even broke one law.
Pilate was convinced of Jesus' innocence and sent Him to Herod, who in turn, sent Him back to Pilate, who yielded to the pressure of the Chief Priests and their supporters, to gain popularity for himself. Pilot stated I am innocent of the blood of this righteous man; see ye to it . In addition, Pilot stated: "I am innocent of this Man's blood; see to that yourselves." Mathew 27:24 Then Pilate took

water and washed his hands - This was a custom frequently used among the heathens as well as among the Jews, in token of innocence. Pilot also stated that he found no fault with
These were the charges leveled against Jesus by the Pharisees. 1) He threatened to destroy The Temple, 2) He claimed to be the Son of God, 3) He stirred up the Jewish people against Caesar of Rome. The false testimonies of the first and third charge against Jesus were not successful, therefore according to Legislation the matter should have been dropped, also according to the Jewish law, the false witnesses, who had failed in their accusations because of contradictions, should have been put to death themselves.
According to scripture Jesus NEVER broke one single law of men, Jesus never challenged the laws of man, nor did he ever break the word of God! Make no mistake the law of the Pharisees was the law given by God! Jesus is God himself part of the trinity.
Therefore, the law of God.
14The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only,[d] who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Ahhh. But what about the Temple?
Well, If the son of God is knocking over money changers and vendors in his fathers house, who is the authority here? Furthermore, since when did money changers and vendors become authority? These people were breaking the Law of God in God's most sacred house. Jesus broke no laws.
Jesus is the ultimate authority. How can the ultimate authority challenge itself? It cant!
Now, what would Jesus say about illegal aliens. Well according to scripture, Jesus loves each and everyone of us. However, Jesus would also state and he also lived his life, following the laws of man. He would not approve of illegal aliens breaking our law established by a democratic society. He would want illegal aliens to go through the proper channels of becoming a citizen. It is unfair to other nationalities that follow United States procedure concerning immigration. The ship can only hold so many passengers before it will sink. The liberal quickly changed the conversation to something about Britney Spears.
Now, obviously I did not rattle off these precise dates. However, my argument did follow this structure and I tightened it up for this blog.
The Napalm
P.S. I'm not a "holly roller" I just believe in common sense. That’s the thing with these liberals; they choose not to explore Jesus or God because they want to live by their own set of rules and ignore causality to fit their own distorted agenda, just as the Pharisees did. Remember, you can NEVER fully trust a man or woman that does not answer to something higher than themselves.
SIDE NOTE: Many of you may have scene "The Lost Tomb of Jesus" a documentary film by Simcha Jacobovici and James Cameron. This film casts doubt on the legitimacy of Christ. I'm not Catholic however, fact is fact. DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxtioL7fCIg