Conservative Chatroom is a Conservative Blog created to discuss pertinent issues facing America today. Our mission here is to promote fundamental conservative values to those that surround us each day. Do your part continue to create awareness with each other about the underlying foundation that has made America the greatest country on earth. Our involvement is more important now than ever before to ensure the preservation of our great nation.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
2 Issues...
Our faithful wannabe leader has made his way back to his native soil to the thundering applause of the world and domestic press, a triumphant return for the messiah! His German freestyle handjob jamboree was a major success! Unfortunately, though, it was only really a success in the minds of liberals and of course, Germans. Fortunately, the Germans don’t vote. Unfortunately, liberals do. Fortunately, liberals who were impressed by this speech in Berlin were all ready voting for Obama anyway, and any person whose vote was changed from Republican to Democrat based on a speech that spent the majority of its time kissing German ass is probably too retarded to find a polling center or know what day election the election falls on.
Of course, as the returns of the major polls show a minor bump for Obama in the best case and a miniscule one in the worst, the media and the left (one in the same) stand dumbfounded: “How is this possible?! How could he not have a major lead after speaking to 200,000 Germans!? How can McCain still be hanging around after our Savior went all the way to Germany and he went to a German restaurant in Ohio?!”
Well, douchebags, I’ve got a theory for you: Perhaps the majority of Americans aren’t impressed with a candidate for the President of the United States of America stumping for votes on foreign soil. Perhaps the average American sees going over to Germany to applaud their system and express his hope to emulate it as something less than appropriate. Perhaps, just perhaps, the average American voter could give two shits about what the fucking Germans want. I don’t know, just a guess.
But isn’t this typical of the liberals in America? They simply can’t understand why a trip to Europe isn’t cooler than a trip to Ohio! They pat themselves on the back for impressing Europeans and laugh heartily at their opponents meager attempts at campaigning on a trip to the buckeye state. They sneer at his attempts to get flyover states to consider him, while they applaud themselves for cavorting with the highclass Europeans. What a joke. Actually, the joke is funnier than that…the real joke is, while Barack was spending time and effort sucking up to the Euros for paltry gains domestically, McCain increased his lead in Ohio and continues to trend upward there. I don’t need to tell you…Ohio is key. Ohio is a serious battleground. Lose Ohio, and lose the election. But don’t tell Barack that.
**In the past week, Gallup is reporting a TIE between Obama and McCain, not only erasing gains on his trip abroad, but actually losing even more votes because of it. Nice move.
Issue 2: VP!
Speaking of Battleground States…the VP will be announced soon. Both parties are waiting patiently for the other to move first. They want their guy to be the answer to the other party’s choice. One will have to give in soon. For McCain, the choice is seriously limited by the numbers. There are several battleground states that are must wins. There is simply no way around it. At first, it seemed that McCain would need a staunch conservative to shore up his record with hardcore right wing voters, but now it appears more important that he simply look at electoral votes.
Of the states in play, Florida and Ohio are must wins. There’s simply no two ways about it. Lose either, lose the election. Ohio is looking good, but not safe. Florida has several things going McCain’s way that may serve him on election day: Jews, rednecks and old people – all of which have shown their disdain for Obama. But still, it’s not safe. So what do you do? You highly consider Florida governor Charlie Crist and former Ohio Representative Rob Portman. I know, “Who the hell is Rob Portman?” If you don’t know, here’s a link:
So, what about Pawlenty? What about Romney? To be honest, they are both still in the running, but looking solely from a numbers game, Pawlenty doesn’t offer McCain too much. Minnesota is pretty blue (at least Presidentially) and haven’t voted for a Republican candidate in decades. Naming Pawlenty as the VP doesn’t guarantee a swing in a state that is that far Dem. It may be much too much work for a mere 10 electoral votes while not helping your cause in the real battleground states. So back to Romney…he has a lot of power in Massachusetts and Michigan (he’s a native, his father was once governor there) and if he could deliver you both, McCain is looking at an additional 29 electorals that you could pretty much have disregarded prior to the appointment. But winning both states is a long shot. Maybe Mass, but Michigan…that’s a tough one. Win just Mass and you’ve got yourself in a similar situation as with Pawlenty. But what about Romney’s overall appeal and big name? That could greatly help…but it’s also offset by his Mormonism, not exactly a selling point to a hardcore Christian conservative in Florida, Georgia, S and N Carolina who are all ready a bit wary of Mr. McCain’s conservatism.
Then, there are the wildcards. The most interesting of which is Alaska governor Sarah Palin. Sure, Alaska is as red as it gets, but what does a woman on the ticket do for you? Does it sway a lot of those voters who like McCain fine, but aren’t ready to vote for another old white man? In my opinion, HELL NO. No offense to Governor Palin, but as we’ve learned from Condi Rice, it doesn’t matter if you’re a woman or a minority... if your Republican, you’re old and white and evil no matter what equipment you're carrying.
So back to Crist and Portman… You need Florida. You need Ohio. Crist comes with a ton of baggage, a lot of nasty rumors, and a moderate stance that doesn’t really appeal to far right voters even in his own state – but outside his state, he seems to be a decent pick. Portman is a Bush guy, and for the McCain camp, distancing themselves from Bush is a big thing as anyone with half a brain knows that’s what the Dems will attack immediately.
Still, Portman’s a star. Crist is another white-haired guy. Baggage like his is not what you want in this campaign. Portman gets you Ohio and helps you everywhere else. Crist gets you Florida but may hurt you everywhere else.
Thusly, the KneeDeep has chosen: Robert Portman is your Republican Vice Presidential Nominee… Now go ahead, tell me why I’m an idiot for saying so but don’t forget to tell me why and tell me who you think is a better fit.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
++Remarkable Contribution++
Maybe you're a Republican?
In today's America ask a growing number of high school and college
students, their teachers and professors, the self-anointed media elite
and/or hard working men and women of all ethnicities the question,
'What is a Republican?' and you'll be told '.a rich, greedy, egotistical
individual, motivated only by money and the desire to accumulate more
and more of it, at the expense of the environment, the working
poor...and all whom they exploit...' I am a Republican - and I am none
of those things...and I don't know any Republicans who are! WHAT I AM
first and foremost, is a loving husband of some 72 plus years, the
father of four and an American who's proud of his country, and his
country's heritage.
WHAT I AM is the grandson of immigrants who risked every-thing,
including their lives and those of their children, to escape tyranny in
of freedom.
WHAT I AM is a man who grew up during the Depression and witnessed
first hand the effects of the Stock Market crash and the soup lines
that followed. I watched as both my parents and grand parents, who had
very little themselves, share what food they had with a half dozen
other families, who had even less.
WHAT I AM is someone who worked his way through college by holding down
three and four jobs at a time and then used that education to build a
better life.
WHAT I AM is a husband who at age 24 started his own business for the
'privilege' of working 60, 70 and 80 hours a week, risking everything I
had including my health, in search of a better life for myself and my
loved ones.
WHAT I AM is a businessman whose blood, sweat and tears and plenty of
them, made it possible for me to provide a secure living not only for
my family and myself, but also for literally hundreds of my employees
throughout the years. Employees who in turn were able to buy their own
homes, raise their own families and give back to their communities and
their country.
WHAT I AM is a man who believes in God; a God who has blessed this
country... and all for which it stands. (AMEN!)
WHAT I AM is someone who knows, if you doubt miracles exist in today's
world, you need only to look into the face of those who received
them....and the eyes of those who give them.
WHAT I AM is an American who's proud that his President embraces a
belief in God; proud of a President who understands, as 'politically
incorrect' as it may be, there is evil in this world and for the
security and safety of all freedom loving people everywhere, it must be
confronted...and it must be defeated.
WHAT I AM is an American who takes comfort in the knowledge that our
President refuses to allow decisions concerning the very safety and
security of this nation, to be governed by the political whims of
foreign governments.
WHAT I AM is tired of hearing from leading Democrats who see only
negativity in America ; racism in her people; class warfare in her
and 'political incorrectness' in her character.
WHAT I AM is a former democrat who now understands that it is the
soldier and not the reporter that guarantees us our freedoms of press,
speech and dissent.
WHAT I AM is a man who believes in the sanctity of life. A man who is
repulsed by the pandering of the political left for votes, at the
expense of the unborn.
WHAT I AM is a husband and father who believes in the sanctity of
marriage and the preservation of the family unit.
WHAT I AM is an ex-movie goer who is repulsed by those insecure,
socially inept, elementary thinking, ego-inflated 'entertainers' who
have appointed themselves 'experts' in the fields of national security
and geo-politics and then use their forum to attack this nation, its
leaders and its actions....much to the delight and encouragement of our
WHAT I AM is an American who understands the difference between
'censorship' and 'choice.' Evidently, these individuals do not, because
when these same 'celebrities' receive public ridicule for their
offensive actions, the first thing they yell is 'censorship.' What they
seem incapable of understanding is...the right of free speech and
dissent is shared equally by those well as those who
offend. I support and will continue to support those films and
performers whom I choose to and refuse to support those I don't. It is
my right as an American a right I will continue to enthusiastically
WHAT I AM is a voter, tired of politicians, who every time their voting
records are subjected to public scrutiny, try to divert attention from
political and legislative failures by accusing their opponents of
'attack ads' and 'negative campaigning'....and the news media who allow
them to get away with it.
WHAT I AM is a Catholic who loves his God and his Faith and who's been
taught to respect all religions whose teachings are based in love,
peace and charity. As such, I am embarrassed and ashamed of those
individuals in both private and public life whose decisions and actions
are devoid of any sense of character or morals; individuals who are
only driven by what's best for them....rather than what's right...
often times at the expense of many....including our national security.
WHAT I AM is a realist who understands that the terrorist attack that
murdered hundreds of innocent Russian children could have occurred
here, in our heartland. That's why I sincerely believe America needs
now, more than ever, a President who sees with a clear and focused
vision and who speaks with a voice when heard by both friend and foe
alike is understood, respected and believed.
WHAT I AM is eternally grateful to Ronald Reagan for having the bravery
to speak out against Communism and the courage of his convictions in
leading the fight to defeat it; and George W. Bush for the vision,
courage, conviction and leadership he has shown in America's war on
terrorism amidst both the constant and vicious, personal and political
attacks both he and his family are made to endure.
WHAT I AM is a human being, full of numerous faults and failures, but a
man nonetheless who though not always successful has continually
strived to do 'what's right' instead of 'what's easy.' A man who is
challenging the religious leaders of all faiths, to not only preach to
their congregations the fundamentals of 'what's right' and 'what's
wrong,' but to also then hold them accountable for their actions in
both the public and private sectors.
WHAT I AM is disgusted with the Courts who on one hand call the murder
of a pregnant woman a 'double homicide,' but then refer to the abortion
of her baby as 'pro-choice.'
WHAT I AM is someone deeply troubled by a political party which
embraced a candidate whose primary 'leadership' qualities center around
his protesting of the Vietnam war and his labeling the honorable men
and women who fought in it, (50,000 of whom gave their lives in that
action), as rapists, and war criminals (John Kerry). That same
political party then stepped forward this year to block the appearance
of a true Vietnam war hero, retired Admiral and former United States
Senator, Jeremiah Denton, (a man who spent seven years and seven
torturous months in a North Vietnam prison), from speaking before an
open session of the California legislature as part of that state's 4th
of July celebration. The reason Democrats gave for refusing to allow
this American hero to speak before their state legislature was because
of the 'conservative' nature of his views. As an American, that
troubles me well it should you.
WHAT I AM is a man who feels the need to spend, ONE HUNDRED & FOUR
THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED & FIFTY FIVE DOLLARS ($104, 655.60, tax paid) of
his own money, to purchase this advertisement, in order to set the
story straight. Some may say this money would have been better spent
feeding the world's poor. At the risk of sounding self-serving, as an
American and as a Republican, for the last six decades of my life, I
have done exactly that...and more. Following the examples of my parents
a and grand parents, I have used my earnings to feed the poor, shelter
the homeless, provide housing for the elderly and medical care for the
sick.....and continue to do so...and I'm not alone in that work.
WHAT I AM is someone who is paying for this announcement at my sole
expense in hopes of opening the eyes of those led blindly by
ill-informed elements of our great nation, who, through either
ignorance, or malicious intent, repeatedly attack and belittle those of
us who belong to a political party that holds true to the belief, 'The
rights of the governed, exceed the power of the government.' For those
interested, I am speaking only as a tax-paying individual who is in no
way associated with the Republican National Committee, nor with any of
its directors, or delegates.
WHAT I AM is a man who understands, 'the American way of life' is a
message of self-empowerment for all.
WHAT I AM is an American who is grateful that our nation gives each of
us the opportunity of self-determination and the right to benefit from
the fruits of self achievement. (IF ONLY EVERYONE WOULD!)
WHAT I AM is an American who wants to preserve that way of life for all
who seek it.
WHAT I AM is blessed to be an American....and proud to be a Republican
**********remember to VOTE, this is a critical election for America
Written and Sponsored by George J. Esseff, Sr.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Ashamed of America?
Those criticisms would have more validity but for the fact that Obama's associations and his approach to policy are inextricably intertwined, flowing from a particular -- and consistent -- mindset.
It's no accident that Obama sat for 20 years and had his children baptized in a church whose pastor revved up his congregation by denouncing America with expletives, that he had a working relationship with a professor who expressed pride in his past anti-American terrorism, or even that his wife admitted a first-time pride in the United States with the advent of her husband's electoral success.
Repeated references to Obama's close connections with these people and others are not drive-by attacks designed to incriminate Obama merely by association. Their purpose is to shine a spotlight on Obama to help determine whether he embraces or is sympathetic to the same negative views about America as his soul mates.
When you couple Obama's associations with his many statements and policies, a disturbing picture emerges, suggesting Obama might lack a robust pride in America -- at least in what he considers to be its present state. This point was driven home again this week, as Obama expressed "embarrassment" that American children can't speak foreign languages while European children can speak English.
Continue reading "Ashamed of America?"
Posted by David Limbaugh at 08:08 PM
Sunday, July 13, 2008
My sentiments exactly
Ten days ago the Obama campaign launched a new TV ad “Dignity” in 19 states. It talked about how he had pushed for welfare-to-work laws (despite the fact that he opposed the 1996 welfare reform law), worked his way through college, and wants to tax companies that move jobs abroad. It is a move-to-the-center ad, a key piece of his repositioning.
And, except for a four state Republican Party ad buy attacking the Democrats on energy, the McCain campaign has yet to answer. With Obama flip flopping on issues from gun control to public financing to late term abortion to the fairness doctrine to merit pay for teachers, McCain needs to go on the air pronto to pin Obama’s ears back for his flip flops.
Politial Satire?
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
"I don't think riding in a plane and getting shot down qualifies you for president" weasley clark
The freaking amazing thing about this statement other then the fact that it breaks a common code of manhood is general weasly clark was referring to John McCain's judgment.
I don't know about anyone else on this site but I think if you fly a plane regardless if its civil aviation, with the airlines, or in the military, you have got to have pretty damn good judgment. How about landing a jet on an aircraft carrier after an all night sortie. Sweet work asshole
It reminds me of of that football coach, that one time who used "playoffs" for the following "judgment... judgment... you kidding me judgment"
While Baraks mom left him with his grandparents as a child to become a fellow traveler. I wonder if she tought him his judgment... uhum Rev. Wright
Well done fag.. how many civilian targets did you bomb in Bosnia... all because you couldn't find a freakin map...
I hate this guy however I think they should send him out more... what a putz