Monday, June 1, 2009

Where is the Outrage?

Americans are struggling financially. The economic system as we know it is spiraling downward at an all time record pace. Citizens of this country are seeing their incomes shrink, taxes rise, and advent of absolute wasteful spending. So where is the outrage?

Meanwhile, this radical regime is still moving forward with total disregard to the consequences of what the future will bring. How long can we sustain this trend? How the fuck does an Marxist academic who has never seen a courtroom, never balanced a budget or has no real practical leadership position rise to power? Now we are racing the possibility of socialism or communism as many of the central/eastern Europeans say. They are all losing their minds knowing exactly just what the future has in store for us. For example, visit . The truth behind this is scary !! How can we break the media bias in their propaganda to educate Americans that life and freedoms in this nation are on the verge of extinction!! Where is the outrage?

With all these elements colliding together creating the largest whirlwind of change towards absolute Marxism, we have a president that seems to think it is absolutely appropriate to take his bahemith of a wife out on a $24,000 evening? And he gets a pass when its our money!! Where is the outrage?

Where is the outrage in all of this? There is limited outrage because there is a massive media collaboration virtually controlling the TV sets in America. Blame Bush, Blame Bush and if that doesn't work, Blame Cheney. Where is the outrage for lack of responsibility?

I am tired of this shit. I am fed up. And there doesn't seem to be any end in sight.

Good links for more unsensored information about Obama Blunders as well as Wasteful Government Spending: Now you can see literally where we should be Outraged!!

100 Days 100 Mistakes

Wasteful Spending 101