Tuesday, January 29, 2008

General Election Polls

I found a website called RealClearPolitics.com (I think it's conservative) that is showing polls on a general election. They show all potential mathcups, Clinton v McCain, Obama v Romney, etc ...

From these polls, it looks as though McCain is the only Republican that has a chance against any Democrat. Yeah (unenthusiastic). And based on Florida, Guliani might be a goner. Oh well. I guess it's Romney or Huckabee for me.



PhD in Liberty said...

Why does everyone post anonymously? "Oh no, someone might know my user name! Goodness gracious, what will they say about me?"

Who cares if someone talks trash about you, that's what makes this site fun.

It seems like Starker, barry and steve o are the only ones who identify themselves...

Speaking of steve o. I loved it when you put that leech on your eye in Jackass 2. Did it cure your glaucoma? Let me know cause I'm into natural healing like you!

Anonymous said...

McCain has my vote. Any man that can spend five years in the Hoa Loa Prison (Hanoi Hilton) has my vote! Seriously, I like his honesty and his personal economic status (can’t be bought by the ultra elite). I wonder if Jane Fonda contributed to his campaign. I know they both spent some time together in Vietnam… If you don’t know don’t ask. Now, I need to get back to my Dungeons & Dragons game. Does anyone know where I can buy a pack of V-necks? If you dish it out you better be ready to take it! :)


-The Napalm

Anonymous said...

The guy has less than 2 marbles left upstairs! How can anybody seriously think he is suited to be the Commander in Chief of the USA? He has no piss n' vinegar.. He is soft, old, and way past his prime. Plus he's a damn liberal in a republican suit. Look at his voting record.

Anybody remember McCain / Kennedy Immigration (Amnesty) Bill? He is off his rocker! Grant 30 million people amnesty who broke the rules of our country and now we reward them with citizenship?

Napalm... either you are a total fucking phony with all your immigration rhetoric, or you didn't think this one through. McCain was a good patriot and served as a POW, but that makes him even MORE unsuitable to have a level head with foreign policy.

Anonymous said...

How small are the peasants minds? Come to this web-site and read comments from people like Starker. Starker can’t add constructive comments to the debate so he talks about Zelda and I believe, arm pit stains? LOSER. Secondly, the plebeians clearly don’t have a grasp on the progression of the great Napalm vs. Gardner debate. The Napalm is one of the most interesting writers I have ever read. Very original debates. In a court of law, to put it bluntly, would have made The Gardner his bitch. The Gardner uses smoke and mirrors and yet (pay attention small minds) has not contested or given any information to contradict one of Napalms antidotes. Napalm from what I have ascertained, is just tired of debating with someone who clearly is uneducated. I think individuals like starker are in quite large quantities in our country. They would rather watch Ricky Lake and cast stones without offering any constructive substance.

Napalm why would you like the liberal McCain? That blows my mind. Whats your reasoning???!!!

Tee Franny said...

Had to pull out my bleach pen here and help out the NAPALM.
Although McCain wasn't my first choice I will support him. I don't buy in to the the Ditto Head/Coulter theory, that we are better off as conservatives if Hillary wins because we'll get the same liberal policies with none of the responsibility. Well say hello to more Ruth VADER Ginsburgs a weaker military and fucked hillary-care.
As far as McCain not having piss and vinegar anyone that tells another senator to fuck off on the floor seems to have a little.
Immigration seems like the hot topic on this site at least as of late. I think that amnesty bill was off target however something needs to be done and at least he had the onions to try something. Its all to familiar, people criticizing others however never offering any alternatives... anyone, anyone, Bueller, Gardner. Maybe we should just continue to turn a blind eye?
Personally I would allow a path to citizenship for people that are already here however ONLY if we would secure the border and give them limited benefits of citizenship such as never being permitted to vote.. If they want all the rights of citizenship they have to do it legally like everybody else. Corporations could then be held accountable to not hiring outside labor. This would secure the tax revenue needed to help pay for our "Imigration and Deportation" department that we could eventually count on...not!
These are all very complicated issues. At the end of the day McCain acknowledged his bill was wrong. I disagree that the Napalm is a phony for supporting McCain (I would say that you are a phony if you don't back a Republican this election). The reason being if you think that 4 years from now that the immigration issue will look significantly different with Romney you are sorely mistaken.
Both the house and the senate are still controlled by the Demoncats. We are going to have the cross the isle on this one and ladies and gentlemen. Sooner the better.

Anonymous said...

It’s so painfully obvious why I’m endorsing John Sidney McCain III (born August 29, 1936). Remember I did not put the candidates on the pedestal (even though I wish I could). It’s a simple matter of logistics and maneuvering at this point. The country, nor the vast numbers of republicans will accept a follower of Joseph Smith (Mormons are stand up citizens in my opinion). If you couldn’t see the righting on the wall with Rudy… well maybe political interpretation isn’t your bag. That’s fine, what’s not fine is once again were forced into the lesser of two evils, with the Republican Party. If you don’t think I’m aware of my decision and know my parties voting record, you would be dead wrong. Barack Hussein Obama (born August 4, 1961) and Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton (born October 26, 1947) will open the flood gates on immigration. So what can we do? Not much at this point…

I appreciate people’s attemps and I guess their attempts at psychology to get sabers rattled. Political discussion is great. It’s really the only form of power any of us have. I do want to make a comment in regards to someone questioning my “class”. You should be absolutely ashamed of your self. I‘ll assume for now you have not followed by debates (although he started the personal attacks and still to this day has not successfully argued one of my facts) Someone who is a criminal, someone who breaks our laws, someone who supports and revels in the fact THAT YOUR TAX DOLLARS AND FUTURE, PAY ILLEGAL ALLIENS TO ROB OUR SYSTEM. I might lack your definition of “class”, however I won’t criticize you to much you lack brain power.

The Gardner wrote this in response to one of my blogs…

5 Things I am Thankful for this Thanksgiving:

1. Poor disciplined border patrol agents near Tijuana
2. Great tacos at Jose's taco stand in Santa Ana
3. The greatest president in the history of the Untied States; Jorge Bush
4. The greatest Senate/Congress in the history of the United States to make it easier for me and my fellow immigrants to be on the "fast-track" to citizenship (and may even help me to get a drivers license too so I can drive today and VOTE tomorrow!)

You want me to show class to a criminal that spits on our president (no matter how much he sucks) and mocks our great country? You said you’re a conservative, hmmmm? Stupid is as stupid does…

The Gardner will absolutely here a response from me, however I’ve had two deal with two deaths in the recent weeks. When I have time the garden will be torched. Know that, believe that. PLEASE DON'T FORGET WHEN YOU GO TO YOUR FLUFFY LITTLE BED TONIGHT 12 OF YOUR FELLOW COUNTRY MEN WERE KILLED BY ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINALS THEN TALK TO ME ABOUT CLASS.