This guy is Left of Castro! And he is likely the candidate? Did anybody see his speech? It is unbelievable that somebody with such little experience, and lack of leadership can slip through the cracks and be a serious contender?
Yeah us Italians love our heritage, and yes we pull way more wool than anybody other race could even dream of, we also need to unite as conservative to keep the White House White!
This guy is an absolute farce. Is this really our future? We need to unite on this issue. McCain is weak. But McCain on his worst day is a savior in the flesh for this nation when compared to Obama or Hilary on their greatest day.
Let unite. We conservatives need to preserve our traditions of excellence, advancement, and the traditions our founders instilled for America
Nice Picture... Is that Obama's pick for Vice President!
I agree 100%! It doesn’t matter anyways, Carl Rove did a break down on OREILY last night. He gave one of his famous mathematical break downs again and he’s very confident the Republicans will be back in the White house. So these anti-God morally corrupt liberals can beat the drum all they want we have the numbers. So in the words of Nelson (Simpson bully) Ha HA! Get ready for the crying and complaining after be beat these beta females and men
You have more faith then I do... I image that Carl Rove would suggest to John McCain that he HAS GOT to rally the base. Unfortunatly I think McCain will try to out Obama, Obama and subsequently get smoked. He will not fight Obama on issues that will galvanize the base, such as global warming (which McCain blasted republicans today for not doing enough). He is a mad-man. Please look at him and tell me I am wrong. He is a ignorant old-schooler who will not listen to the likes of Rove.
Barak HUSSAIN Obama is on a role check out his meddling today... one in international affairs (see the aftermath of the Kenyan election) and two his announced bill for the global poverty tax. We will see in short order if McCain is up for the fight. Hopefully tomorrow! He needs to attack and define this charect4er as soon as possible for who disaster he is... A over taxing, weak military , unexperienced, most liberal candidate ever to run for the commander of our great nation.
I apologize for the errors in spelling. I was pounding at the keys of my keyboard in a brutal haste of fury and aggression. I don't know about anybody else but I am f-ing pissed at this phantom called barak hussain obama!
obama sucks
Obama is correct on his stances...you guys need to get on board. It's not about race...America on the whole is past that...he has the correct plan for Iraq and Afghanistan....plus he is looking to make healthcare more affordable. Maybe you guys love the way the future looks as far as gas prices....Obama understands. I hope you guys come around....your part of the world too...we want your support----OBAMA 08
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