Monday, March 10, 2008

Just Another Example of Liberal Hypocracy

"This was a sophisticated and lucrative operation with a multi-tiered management structure... It was, however,
nothing more than a prostitution ring."

-- Governor, Eliot Spitzer (D-NY), on the
2004 break-up of a Staten Island prostitution ring

Dear Fellow Conservatives,

Just when you think it couldn't get any better, that bastion of liberal finger-pointing, the New York Times, has turned on one of its own to report that Democrat Eliot Spitzer -- the squeaky-clean poster boy for ethics reform -- is himself in the crosshairs of a federal interstate prostitution sting.

As if watching Obama and Hillary eat each other alive through primary season wasn't enough fun, prepare yourself for 24x7 Spitzer-gate coverage.


Tee Franny said...

My question to you is how long will it take for him to step down?

It is 7:00 and neither Hillary or Barry Obama have condemned what he did nor asked him to step down.

Did you know that he is a Super- Delegate?

[side note... Super Delegates is an interesting topic. Typical Liberal elitist philosophy. We cant trust the people to make the right decision so we(intellectually superior) will hand out 796 votes to make sure we (party elites) get it right.]

Take solace in the fact that we hold our candidates up to a much higher standard. AS WE SHOULD

Anonymous said...

Great post TAP. You beat me too it! I was itching to post on this. This guy is the epitome of a liberal hypocrite. I think this is a rare instance where justice will be served. Not only will he resign, but hopefully this POS get indicted.

Spitzer was one of the most obnoxious and illegitimate schemers in a position of power. And go figure.. He was not only an attorney, and but a scummy liberal.


Tee Franny said...

Yeah Steve O I agree however if he doesn't get indited or have to step down at least you know he is not feeling too well tonight.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha- I love it! Makes the Larry Craig argument null and void.
