Well, I guess it's about time we start talking about the thing that no one wants to talk about: Race.
Let's pretend for a moment that Barack claims the presidential nomination of the Democratic party. We will then have several months of exactly what we get in every presidential election: Your guy is stupid and old, and our guy is "progressive" and hip.
In this election, of course, it will be more intense than ever. Barack and the Dems will inundate you with so much "he's old and white and a member of the old guard of DC" that even you, faithful conservatives, will be considering calling up Senator Obama and asking if he wants to hang out and play some Xbox. He'll continue to dance around the questions about his religion, about his connections to racist organizations, about his uber-left politics, and he'll bury us with attacks against McCain's 30 plus year senate record – as if that experience is a detriment. He'll eloquently tip his hat to Senator McCain's service in the Military, while simultaneously ripping his dedication to our men and women in uniform and their fight abroad. He'll graciously concede Senator McCain's accomplishments, while slighting him on his "maverick" reputation. These things are not new. These things would be done by any leftist candidate. But, there will be something very new in this campaign and it will be the elephant in the room from day one to November 4th --
Surprise! Barack Obama is black!
Now, I'm sure that you've noticed this. But, an interesting thing that you are going to see over the next several months is how his race will never play any role whatsoever. He will not be seen in public with an excessive amount of black people, or even black leaders for that matter. Did you see SNL last weekend? The cartoon where he does all in his power to keep Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton away from his campaign? It's funny, because it's true. The Obama campaign has a monumental task on its hands…to convince America that their candidate is NOT black. No, I'm not saying they will try to convince you he's white. I'm saying they'll try to make you forget that he has any color whatsoever – black, white, yellow, purple, etc. Now, not playing up race isn’t necessarily a bad thing, BUT, at the very same time, you can bet they will be hard at work reminding you that John McCain IS white (and old, lame, un-hip and thusly…Republican).
And what part will Senator Obama's race play? Will it push voters in any particular direction? The black vote is all ready overwhelmingly liberal, so there's not much different there. So why don't we consider the white vote for a second, as that is intensely more interesting. What about that age-old rant that we (us white folk) are still excessively racist? Is it true? Liberals have been telling us for years that the black man is being held down by the racist undercurrent of the American way of life. They use it as their justification for their ridiculous social platforms, they use it as their firepower in their arguments for their idiotic double-standards. So I ask you, what happens if a black man becomes the Democratic nominee for the President of the United States of America? And I ask you another question: What happens if he's elected?
Does the liberal battlecry still hold water? Can they seriously justify their stances on affirmative action and revolving door prisons and the endless amount of money they spend on inner city schools and social programs – all of these things based on the idea that the minority is not getting a fair shake – can they truly continue this charade with an African American as the President of the United States of America?
So maybe the question we should consider is…will the democrats allow Senator Obama to be elected?
What happens to the Rainbow Coalition when they march on some city street screaming of racial injustice when a black man stands in the Oval Office? I mean, the African American liberals in this nation have done an almost amazing job completely ignoring the fact that there is a black person as Secretary of State, the highest office ever held by a black person in this country – and she's not only black, she's a WOMAN! So, I guess it's not out of the question that the same cries of injustice can still be hollered when a black man is president…but man…it's gonna get tougher.
But is it gonna be too tough?
Now, let's go back to considering average Joe Voter. I have a feeling that something's brewing deep in the heart of this guy. He's pretty middle of the road. He wants to sound cool, he wants to be hip, and most importantly, he wants to sound "progressive," so he tells everyone he knows that he'll be voting for Senator Obama. But when he gets inside that booth, is that the lever he's gonna pull?
Prediction: Senator Barack Obama's pre polls and exit polls will paint a drastically different picture than what his actual vote totals will be.
Cries of foul play will be louder than ever before if Senator McCain wins. If you thought '00 and '04 were bad, honey, you have no idea. Even if those polls predicted 45% and that number is 44%, it'll be bad. But when the disparity is actually much, much greater than that, the cries will be OUTRAGEOUS. All of a sudden, Jesse and Al will be released from their underground cage that Barack's been keeping them in and they will march on whatever courthouse steps they are closest to. Busses will instantaneously pull up from every backwater town in the south and the rage will be unheard of. Proof that America is racist will be held in their hands, waved on their signs. The conservatives fixed the elections AGAIN - and this time, we've got proof they hate the black man!
But, what they don't realize is that Americans aren't racist, Americans are liars because they are deathly afraid of being considered racist. They will enter those booths and vote for the person they know is right for the country (race, age, and looks aside, one person is incredibly more qualified for this office and no, his name doesn't rhyme with Shmarack Shmobama). They will then walk out and with a person asking them the question and they fearing looking uncool, unhip, or most importantly, "racist" – they will say they voted for Senator Obama. You think I'm lying? You want to look over polling data prior to any of the big Hillary primary wins? Why was it that Obama seemed to be doing so well in those polls, but lost? Because people lie. Because white people, especially guilty liberal white people, are deathly afraid of appearing racist. Now, most likely no one is going to call you a racist for voting for the white guy over the black guy, but you don't know what people are thinking…and what if they do think that you're a racist? What if you said or done something in the past and this only solidifies it in their mind? What if, and oh my this would be bad…what if you are a racist?! Well, here's an easy way to hide that shame: Just say you voted for the black guy.
But really people, I wouldn't worry so much. Sure, the whole world is saying that the Dems are gonna run away with it. They won't. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't go out and vote – really you should and we need you to. But, take solace in the fact that the Dems have shot themselves in the foot yet again. Stick any white dude in there with the nomination and you win. Even John Kerry couldn't screw this one up. But, stick Hillary in there and you lose because every person right of ANSWR hates the Clintons and will be motivated to vote against her craggy ass. Stick Obama in there and you've got one major problem – a black guy who is hoping no one, black or white, notices that he's black. But unlike Hillary, there's an advantage if he loses. If he loses, it's proof America is racist. It's proof we need more AA, we need more distribution of wealth, we need more after school programs. A loss means justification for the liberal platform.
Is America racist? I'd say that as individuals, there are some people who need to do some work, but as a country, it is obvious that we are not. And there would be no more proof of that very fact than if Senator Obama is elected President. But a lot of people have a lot to lose if America is no longer racist. Democrats are coming to the realization as we speak that they could face a serious problem if they give him the nomination: He might get elected.
If he loses, and he loses close, and the polls showed that he was ahead a week before the election and the exit polls said he was winning, then their argument that America is racist is all the more robust.
But again, what if he wins?
It makes you wonder how a candidate like Hillary, who was all but dead in the water is once again picking up steam…maybe they figured something out. Maybe they figured out that they can't afford to take the risk.
Whoa... It appears that we ourselves a new member.. And quite the think-piece I might add for a freshman contributor.. Step aside Gardener cuz Napalm may now have a new challenger.
Race in this contest is the best weapon that Obama has. The media and all Obama opponents for the most part have been walking on eggshells when dealing with Obama. Any significant exposure about his voting record, or his policies (ideas at this point) is considered a racist!The fact that the Obama (liberals for that matter) have it both ways is ridiculous. If attacking Hillary and you are male, then you are labeled a sexists! This exemplifies the classic victim mentality of the left and I hope this whole thing blows up in their face.
Speaking of White Liberals that lie... how about our boy Elliot Spitzer! Leftist of the left who made a name for himself partly by priding himself on his pledge to taking on corruption in business and coming down hard on prostitution rings... Now look at him... Busted on a federal wiretap buying a hooker at $4300 dollars (a little steep I might add) makes Spitzer the poster-boy of honesty and integrity. What a clown.
Good article.
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