Our visitors are entitled to some diversity in the nature of our content. So as the director of the ConservativeChatroom, I thought I would open a discussion in a new direction.
All of (most of us) here at CC believe in seeking exceptional performance. We understand life is rewarding to those who are capable of achieving outstanding performance. Over achievers are rewarded in all circles of life. Whether it is sports, academics, hobbies, socially, politically etc.. Effort is not a rewarding factor. Only performance.
Now is a good time to discuss certain fundamentals to enhancing your performance. These 10 items can be applied in all aspects of life. Use them and see how your results will soar!
1. Take full responsibility for your thoughts and actions
2. Have Goals. Specific Goals.
3. Have a Plan for your goals. Detailed plan down to activities daily to get you to your goal.
4. Envision success. Thoughts of failure are not be allowed
5. Think it through. Develop your mental skills so you constantly perform to the best of your ability. Always have "Plan B" when adversity strikes.
6. Engage in one thing at a time. Have confidence, and remain focussed on each moment has it comes at you. Do not get bogged down with past or future moments
7.. Realize that you cannot control what happens around you but only your response to it. You must be in control of your self before you can control your performance
8. Practice what you are going to do in your performance
9. Learn each and every day. Keep an open mind.
10. Keep in simple.
Good insight. I read these 10 things and I am already a millionaire!
Couldn't have done it without you.
Ryan Green
I am so happy we have a forum like this...the following are the 10 things that attribute to my success as a landscape technician:
1. ALways getting up really early...like 10:30 or 11:00
2. Be on a mission: know whos grass I am cutting, what kind of grass I am smoking, and how I am going to accomplish the goal of cutting the gringo's grass.
3. Make my daily actions and thought consistent with my mission.
4. Always cut grass in the moment. One blade at a time.
5. Focus on cutting the grass, not finishing the lawn.
6. Realize that I cannot control the neighborhood kids from yelling at me or from Napalm writing racists remarks in response to my entries
7. Develop my lawn mowing ability so I don't overlap too much or ruin any of the flowers.
8. Practice.
9. Learn to be better each day.
10. Keep it simple.
-the Gardner
Who is this Ryan Verde? You are clearly a liberal. Otherwise you would embrace the performance entry. It was probably some of the best insight you have ever heard. And you proceed to talk smack on it?
This is the one concept you liberals cannot understand. Accountability. You and your liberal sidekicks do not like performance. You can't take the pressure. Probably because you have choked anytime you were forced to perform, so now you want to easy way out. To hide without having to face the responsibility of making it happen.
You must be a real successful individual. Word.
Steve O
Great entry. Who is Conservative Chatroom? Is there a way to look up names?
My manager at work could use these principles. I printed them out for him and put them on his desk. Our department is full of lazy people who don't really even care about performance. It's amazing!
Brian S. - Yahoo!
Marx teaches us to blame society for our frailties
Freud teaches us to blame our parents
Astrology teaches us to blame the universe
The only place that we have to look for to blame is yourself
If you don’t have the guts to act on your desires
Take advantage of the world that was in front of you and the life that was your potential.
seattle vitamingreat blog i dig your style.
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