They say the first mark of the a declining society is the approval and acceptance of Gay Marriage. This event right here is a significant mark in history. This is a true benchmark in history that acknowledges the real power of the liberal movement in this country.
Apparently, Conservatives are lobbying to postpone the implementation of this law until after the fall election.
What do we do about this?
Whoa.. Who is that honey on the left? Gay marriage doesn't seem so bad!
We need to ban Male Homosexual marriages only. Women can be bisexual and married only if they are attractive. The masculine lesbian program must also be banned. Lets try to refine our society to white males and supa-hot bisexual women. Now that is my idea of an idea society.
Craven Morehead
So, several years ago, the gay movement demanded that government "Stay out of our bedroom," saying of course that being gay was their business and the government need not be involved.
Fast-forward to today where the gay movement can't get the government in to their bedroom fast enough.
So why the change?
It's obvious that the gay marriage movement isn't about "marriage" at all. It's about governmental approval of the gay lifestyle. If the gay movement really wanted the government out of their business, they'd do what they've been doing - get married by a pastor who agrees with their actions and get a lawyer to secure their assets together.
But that's not what it's about.
It's about the State of California, the State of Massachutsetts, and eventually the government on the United States of America saying "It's great to be gay! You're NO DIFFERENT than anyone else!" It is an endorsement they are looking for.
Anyone who tells you otherwise is LYING.
This is just a trdgedy. How dare they take a jewish, cristian belief and twist it. This is just wrong on so many levels.
These homosexuals sicken me. It is not ok to be gay. It clearly states in the bible its a sin
so gross!!!!
Man, this liberals are way out of line! Ellen is a nut .
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