Issue 1: Barack has returned!
Our faithful wannabe leader has made his way back to his native soil to the thundering applause of the world and domestic press, a triumphant return for the messiah! His German freestyle handjob jamboree was a major success! Unfortunately, though, it was only really a success in the minds of liberals and of course, Germans. Fortunately, the Germans don’t vote. Unfortunately, liberals do. Fortunately, liberals who were impressed by this speech in Berlin were all ready voting for Obama anyway, and any person whose vote was changed from Republican to Democrat based on a speech that spent the majority of its time kissing German ass is probably too retarded to find a polling center or know what day election the election falls on.
Of course, as the returns of the major polls show a minor bump for Obama in the best case and a miniscule one in the worst, the media and the left (one in the same) stand dumbfounded: “How is this possible?! How could he not have a major lead after speaking to 200,000 Germans!? How can McCain still be hanging around after our Savior went all the way to Germany and he went to a German restaurant in Ohio?!”
Well, douchebags, I’ve got a theory for you: Perhaps the majority of Americans aren’t impressed with a candidate for the President of the United States of America stumping for votes on foreign soil. Perhaps the average American sees going over to Germany to applaud their system and express his hope to emulate it as something less than appropriate. Perhaps, just perhaps, the average American voter could give two shits about what the fucking Germans want. I don’t know, just a guess.
But isn’t this typical of the liberals in America? They simply can’t understand why a trip to Europe isn’t cooler than a trip to Ohio! They pat themselves on the back for impressing Europeans and laugh heartily at their opponents meager attempts at campaigning on a trip to the buckeye state. They sneer at his attempts to get flyover states to consider him, while they applaud themselves for cavorting with the highclass Europeans. What a joke. Actually, the joke is funnier than that…the real joke is, while Barack was spending time and effort sucking up to the Euros for paltry gains domestically, McCain increased his lead in Ohio and continues to trend upward there. I don’t need to tell you…Ohio is key. Ohio is a serious battleground. Lose Ohio, and lose the election. But don’t tell Barack that.
**In the past week, Gallup is reporting a TIE between Obama and McCain, not only erasing gains on his trip abroad, but actually losing even more votes because of it. Nice move.
Issue 2: VP!
Speaking of Battleground States…the VP will be announced soon. Both parties are waiting patiently for the other to move first. They want their guy to be the answer to the other party’s choice. One will have to give in soon. For McCain, the choice is seriously limited by the numbers. There are several battleground states that are must wins. There is simply no way around it. At first, it seemed that McCain would need a staunch conservative to shore up his record with hardcore right wing voters, but now it appears more important that he simply look at electoral votes.
Of the states in play, Florida and Ohio are must wins. There’s simply no two ways about it. Lose either, lose the election. Ohio is looking good, but not safe. Florida has several things going McCain’s way that may serve him on election day: Jews, rednecks and old people – all of which have shown their disdain for Obama. But still, it’s not safe. So what do you do? You highly consider Florida governor Charlie Crist and former Ohio Representative Rob Portman. I know, “Who the hell is Rob Portman?” If you don’t know, here’s a link:
So, what about Pawlenty? What about Romney? To be honest, they are both still in the running, but looking solely from a numbers game, Pawlenty doesn’t offer McCain too much. Minnesota is pretty blue (at least Presidentially) and haven’t voted for a Republican candidate in decades. Naming Pawlenty as the VP doesn’t guarantee a swing in a state that is that far Dem. It may be much too much work for a mere 10 electoral votes while not helping your cause in the real battleground states. So back to Romney…he has a lot of power in Massachusetts and Michigan (he’s a native, his father was once governor there) and if he could deliver you both, McCain is looking at an additional 29 electorals that you could pretty much have disregarded prior to the appointment. But winning both states is a long shot. Maybe Mass, but Michigan…that’s a tough one. Win just Mass and you’ve got yourself in a similar situation as with Pawlenty. But what about Romney’s overall appeal and big name? That could greatly help…but it’s also offset by his Mormonism, not exactly a selling point to a hardcore Christian conservative in Florida, Georgia, S and N Carolina who are all ready a bit wary of Mr. McCain’s conservatism.
Then, there are the wildcards. The most interesting of which is Alaska governor Sarah Palin. Sure, Alaska is as red as it gets, but what does a woman on the ticket do for you? Does it sway a lot of those voters who like McCain fine, but aren’t ready to vote for another old white man? In my opinion, HELL NO. No offense to Governor Palin, but as we’ve learned from Condi Rice, it doesn’t matter if you’re a woman or a minority... if your Republican, you’re old and white and evil no matter what equipment you're carrying.
So back to Crist and Portman… You need Florida. You need Ohio. Crist comes with a ton of baggage, a lot of nasty rumors, and a moderate stance that doesn’t really appeal to far right voters even in his own state – but outside his state, he seems to be a decent pick. Portman is a Bush guy, and for the McCain camp, distancing themselves from Bush is a big thing as anyone with half a brain knows that’s what the Dems will attack immediately.
Still, Portman’s a star. Crist is another white-haired guy. Baggage like his is not what you want in this campaign. Portman gets you Ohio and helps you everywhere else. Crist gets you Florida but may hurt you everywhere else.
Thusly, the KneeDeep has chosen: Robert Portman is your Republican Vice Presidential Nominee… Now go ahead, tell me why I’m an idiot for saying so but don’t forget to tell me why and tell me who you think is a better fit.
Of course it's gonna be Palin!
Take the quiz:
1. Which McCain Veep pick is SIMULTANEOUSLY the safest AND boldest?
ANSWER: Sarah Palin
2. How can McCain SIMULTANEOUSLY attract both Hillary AND Bob Barr voters?
ANSWER: Sarah Palin
* * *
And there's this from the Conservative Voice:
“Desperately seeking Sarah
July 26, 2008
By Stephan Andrew Brodhead
Desperately seeking Sarah
Americans need a little Palin Power
Sarah Palin the current Governor of Alaska is John McCain’s ultimate choice for VP. I do believe a woman is next in line for the presidency. All Conservatives like her. She is popular in Alaska. Hillary supporters would relish her. She would solidify a 12 or possibly 16 year Republican executive.
John McCain’s boring campaign is wearing thin. I need a little Palin Power to get me interested again. They would say ‘but she is only a half term Governor!’ And your point is?"
1. She brings governing experience into the election, which has been lacking this year.
2. She has the highest approval rating of any governor in the United States.
3. She would definetely get a huge amount of support from the female voters, including many of the former Hillary supporters that aren't very excited about switching over to Obama.
4. Part of the reason that many people want to vote democrat is because they want to see history made (first black president). But if Palin is elected VP then history will be made on the republican ticket (first female VP). So that would cancel out some of the excitement that the democrats have about being the party that is going to make history in this election.
5. She is very young and attractive, and is a former Miss Alaska contestant. That might get alot of the male voters excited about politics again. It would also take some of the youth vote away from Obama.
6. She is much younger then McCain, which will help to balance out the ticket.
7. She is also more conservative than McCain, which will help to balance out the ticket.
8. Presidential candidates often like to pick running mates from different parts of the country. McCain is from the south and Palin is from the far north.
9. There are no problems with her religious affiliations or background.
10. Many people think McCain needs somebody that is an "A-list" candidate that everybody is familiar with. If Palin is chosen as the republican party's first female running mate then I gaurantee that she will become a household name within about 10 minutes.
11. She cooks a good Halibut
that makes two of us
No shit the blog was kind-of getting fun then this wishy-washy article comes on? B-O-R-I-N-G!
Ted and anonymous #1, great responses, thanks for taking the time. Anon, please assign yourself a handle so I can keep tabs on you...
I don't mean to minimize Gov. Palin's qualifications for the VP position, but instead I'm making the argument that the best person may not be the best choice at this point. Due to the unfortunate position the GOP is in, they have to secure electoral votes. Portman and Crist fall in to that category.
But I see where you're coming from and I wish that you were right. Unfortunately, after watching what happened with Ms. Rice, I still feel that despite the record, despite the qualifications, the left and the middle-left will not join up, but rather destroy to her the point where she becomes a detriment. Personal opinion - nothing more.
For the other two "Anonymous" responders, let me introduce you to something called the "scroll bar" or even the amazingly modern invention called the "mouse wheel." I'm sure genius of your level can grasp it.
Looks like someone is a little jealous of Salient A. He had to write a shitty article to to step on an article that people actually interested in. As a republican I find your perspective ridiculous.
welcome knee deep. could use a little help next door homie.. trying to fend these ignoramuses off
I think its very appropriate to put this Obama specticle into perspective. We as conservatives need input like this so we can actively make sense of these drastically overrated momentum created by the media.
What kind of leader goes overseas and badmouths their own country? Who can sit an criticize our country for its success, and comment the socialist regimes in Europe and how we want to be like them? Its fucking asinine to go overseas and try to get support from the international community. They are practically irrelevant. What does he really thing that if he is liked world wide that will somehow make him a better leader of the free world?
I am very pleased to stumble on this idea. I am gonna jam it down the liberals throats. And its great food for discussion.
As far as the VP, thats a fairly in-depth analysis. I have to agree with most but I can't say Portman is the man. I know absolutely nothing about him and I follow politics. So that means most people won't know him either. But if it comes simply down to a mathematical equation as you are suggesting, and he can bring Ohio, then that would be wise.
I like Romney but I agree he doesn't bring much. Keep in mind too, Guiliani is still in the top 5 for consideration.
By the way Salient, what kind of equipment are you carrying?
1ST of all "open mic" when it comes "open mic" in the regards to the equipment area its obvious you stand alone in the tool category. Nice commentary "open mic" your quite the scholar.
obama is an absolute joke. One thing no one has touched on is his opening statement, "I know I don't look like the typical American that has stood before you". Are you kidding me!? Then he proceeds with a smirk. Why not just stand on stage, put on a black glove and raise a fist in the air?
Why mock a blemish on your countries record in front of the world? In addition, the krauts laugh? Um ya,... concentration camps. What do they have the right to laugh about?
I guess when it comes down to it the world will always be full of limp wristed fags like liberals and "open mic"
See my friends.. When you put all bull crap aside, we can all get along. Obviously the last anonomys contributor was a bit sensitive to "open mic" comment about equipment. My guess is that would be Salient. But who cares really.
He made a decent point. And that is how Obama is continually playing the damn race card. By playing the race card nonstop, he is in essence reversing or putting the McCain camp on the defense. Now every time anybody mentions anything about the black community, its racist. Or any real critisism of Obama is deemed racist because he is black. Why was Jesse Jackson not deemed racist? Such a double standard it makes me sick.
I'm almost burned out on this shit.
Stevie G
Stevie g I love your attempt at subtle labeling of my "so called" sensitivity. The reality is I'm laughing at the apparent gullibility of my so called republicans. I have had two pen names on this site. The Napalm and Salient Anomaly. Read some of my articles you inept fucks. I'm far more conservative than the vast majority of you wanna be republicans. However, this is not a competition of I'm more conservative than you. Its an attempt at articulate intelligent discussion. An area to explore original thought and discussion. Not the regurgitation of a corporate manipulated dissemination of information machine. I would never lower myself to the blind following of the Hannity or O'reily subterfuge machine. On that note CNN is an absolute cesspool of lies and loony liberalism. The bottom line is you mother fuckers need to wake up. Think for yourselfs. I know you think you do, however your week comments certainly don't reflect it. The only person that I can honestly say that does this consistently is kneedeep.
I kept this site going for a year. Then I have one issue of contingency and you try to snub me? Very few of your comments bring anything tangible or original for that matter. Do I think I'm better or smarter than you, NO. Do I think I have a far greater grasp and knowledge base of history and its interaction with current events? You couldn't touch me if you tried.
If you cant see that that building 7 was an INSIDE JOB you are truly living under water.
If you think our government hasn't pulled bullshit before, point blank, your fucking stupid. I heard the argument that building 7 was not subject to detonation. Really? Thats why Silvertein himself SAID IT WAS FUCKING PULLED!!! You clowns that can't see the truth, you better wake up real quick before you you end up with barcodes and microchips implanted in your body... thats right scoff you fucking slave. Time to wake the fuck up, stop being so god damn blind, and realize your media is controlled by a few that have an agenda-
-salient anomaly
time index 4:22
I got to say. S.A. has made me take a second look at this 911 thing. I don't think its as how they want us to think. That building 7 was blown up. Look how it fell so evenly! Why were all the buildings destroyed own by Silverstien? Why were there other buildings much closer to the towers that were hardly touched? I now believe that there was some type of cover up.
John Q. Public
Poleeeeze with the 911 conspiracy crap again... Nobody wants to hear that shit anymore!! You are the only one keeping it alive! You, michael moore and whats that other freak.. Oh yeah.. Charlie Sheen. (I guess you can include Rosie O'Dyko to the list too) You are putting yourself on an island of complete fucking outcasts by continuing to pouncing on the same topic nonstop. Forget it you fucking quack! Everybody on earth with a normal non-twisted view on reality knows there was no inside job with the 911 terror attacks! You obviously have way too much time on your hands salient. Too many re-runs of The Departed..
Get out, socialize a bit. Mingle with the socially accepted. We are dead tired of your peripheral conspiracies..
Although I am new, I can't bear any more of your shit.
So unless you want to expand your thought into other issues facing our nation, please do us all a favor and scram....
Stevie G
Stevie G sounds like a little bitch boy. I think you missed S.A.'s point. An island of at least 90 million Americans you dipshit. Peripheral conspiracy! Hardly you low level add man. Stevie G sounds like a prison bitch that enjoys a reach around. Do use a favor and beat it little bitch.
HA HA Stevie G just got owned! Back of Salient fag hes a pimp. All I see is an emotional rant of opinion from you queer bait. Got news for you bubble boy, many of us republicans feel there is more than meets the eye. So, do us a favor and check your emotions and way off opinions to yourself.
hey stevie g, very emotional response, did salient touch a nerve?
hey stevie G scram you fag
Seriously, Who is this Stevie G dipshit? Telling one of the main draws of this site to scram? Shut up and know your place. I'm republican. Furthermore, I have a family and kids. I'm V.P. of an investment company and far from alone in thinking the government mislead its citizens and entered into a manufactured war. Stevie G you don't speak for all conservatives.
Stevie G is with the mainstream tide of America. We all know Salient is way off his rocker and he has to chime in under a few different names to make it look like he has support. I will take on you and your multiple personalities any day of the week Salient!
911 Conspiracy has ZERO Credibility! Keep chiming in, but you're a sucker!
I am surpised that Salient and his cronies havent started talking about UFO's and Bigfoot sightings yet...maybe that subject would have a little bit more credibility. I mean they actually made a movie about Bigfoot; its called Harry and the Hendersons.
-Eibert (2 thumbs up)
shit! Thanks for the support peeps. I necessarily don't think a fellow republican such as stevie g needs that sort of written severity. However, It feels good you cats have my back. Remember, we all need to stick together to defeat this Obama bitch! Anyways, I'm flattered. I just want my fellow conservatives to realize we must unite under the precedent tRonald Regan established and defeat this liberal propagandists. Honestly, stevie if you feel that way so be it. Just don't think you can sum us all up under a pretty republican umbrella. Its just not that black and white. We must stand strong against this powerful liberal thrust which is B.O. There is no doubt he has some serious media clout! I will never deny building 7. However, most importantly I will never dispute the righteousness that is the republican party and the core values it perpetuates
-salient anomaly
Dudes, also I just read all the comments. I think those that know me would know I would never falsify entries. That 2 me is very dishonorable. Just accept the fact that not everyone sees it your way man. Like I'm telling you, be strong take both sides with a grain of salt! The truth will win!!! Do you even grasp the bullshit that will overtake our great nation if this fuckface wins!!! I just don't except the way they want us to think. MY GOD its a frikin corporate controlled machine!!!
-salient anomaly
Its shocking that any 911 Conspiracy believer is actually a Conservative! I wonder if that is really accurate. Or if this salient person is just trying to stir the pot.
Lets be honest with each other.. Who really has time to listen to such off the wall crap? Nobody really gives a shit about the peripheral conspiracy theorists. Practically all of them are hollywood washups with no other medium to get some attention. Like Rosie, Sheen, etc. Pathetic.
As conservatives, we have a job to do. And that is to make sure Obama doesn't win!
stevie g stop trying to lump your fellow conservatives in with the liberal extreme. Got news for you, bud. Many conservatives feel that it was an inside job. Its not so off the wall as you want to think.
Uh huh.. yeah.. You go Glen..
I gotta be honest, I love repeating myself from earlier posts - this is in reference to the Zogby poll about 9/11 conspiracy believers:
"Those who doubted the official explanation also tended to be low-income, single, and young. They most frequently associated with a liberal or progressive ideology."
Here's the link:
Now, that doesn't mean everyone who believes in 9/11 conspiracies is a liberal, it just means - like Stevie G said - that most are. Not the company I prefer to hang with, but hey, to each his own...
L..O..L... Kneedeepinstupid
If you think our government isn't capable of pulling clandestine acts on its public you don't know your history. L..O..L..
chad perst
cut and paste, scroll down play video.
GREAT initial post by salient, humorous and informative, and awesome conversations so far. I, like many others here and across the world, was shocked on 9/11. This event is what opened my eyes to the bigger picture after much research and THINKING on all the aspects of the event and those preceding and following it. The resultant revelations were even more shocking and insidious than the initial event that triggered my research.
I'm not trying to be insulting, but there's no other way to say it: Any half-witted dolt, including many of the idiot trolls on here, and generally anyone capable of a stream of conscious thought should EASILY UNDERSTAND, upon independent research and THINKING FOR THEMSELVES, instead of being spoon-fed only select shit from the media, that there is in fact a conspiracy and web of lies hiding the truth about 9/11 and everything related to it.
On that note, to the IDIOTS who keep repeating shit like "how can you say Bush/the government/America/etc. planned and enacted a terrorist act on our own citizens? idiots, bla bla etc." Not once have I seen anyone here say anything like this. If you research the subject yourself, there are MANY independent and reliable sources to validate mostly anything said on here, and not a single theory points to Bush or our government being the sole orchestrator of the 9/11 attacks. At the very least, we DID have advance knowledge of the attacks and they could have been prevented, but Bush and his idiot megalomaniac cronies allowed it to happen. YES I AM REPUBLICAN! I'm sorry to say, but if you don't believe this, you are a moron. Before anyone else responds with any kind of rebuttal stating otherwise, spend some time researching, from credible sources, EVERY ASPECT of the topic:
* Israeli spies, history of Israel & Palestine, the Mossad
* CIA, Operation Northwoods, staged terrorists attacks in general
* The *5 FRAMES* of Pentagon surveilance footage released showing the "plane" hitting the Pentagon (this is the ONLY video EVER released showing the incident, a measly 5 frames, out of all the cameras on Pentagon grounds and MULTIPLE cameras on surrounding buildings and gas stations that captured the incident, but were immediately confiscated by the FBI.)
* NORAD's failure to do anything on 9/11. Research NORAD, it's capabilities, and how it operates.
* The Twin Towers. Their structural integrity per their designer. Expert opinions from expert demolitionists on the collapse of the towers.
The list goes on and on and on.
Don't say "give me websites to all this information" -- research it yourself, work for the truth and get used to not being spoon-fed bullshit on the nightly news and eating it up like it's the best thing since sliced bread.
If you don't see there is more to what Bush/govt./media shows you, you are a complete mongoloid. I hate to be offensive, but it's true. On the other hand, the truth is extraordinarily heavy to comprehend, so some may not want to know. They say ignorance is bliss.
I think democratic/diplomatic efforts are out of the question entirely. Honestly I think we're fucked regardless of course of action, if any. The power has been there too long, and there's too many pre-emptive and retaliatory options they could exploit.
This is way longer than it should be but I had to say something. I probably sound like an ultra-paranoid and/or delusional loony, but that is the furthest thing from the truth. I'm just trying to get a point across: you can see far greater things with an open mind than you can with open eyes.
Educate yourselves and THINK.
Let the flaming begin! :D
interesting. several comments were removed from this link. in fact, about 6 in opposition to the pro-non conspiracy. This site has lost all credibility. They manipulate what the want you to see. STAY AWAY FROM BULLSHIT LIKE THIS. THIS SITE IS NO LONGER A FREE SPEECH SITE, BUT CONTROLLED
why is this site removing peoples comments, that are not in alignment with a republicans view? NAZI TACTICS, POINT BLANK
Dear Patrons of the Conservative Chatroom. After countless hours of deliberation and under intense scrutiny the founding authors have decided to change the official position on 911 to undeniably "Inside Job". We would like to thank you theorist for not only your well formed arguments but also for taking over the site.
Upon our declaration we at the conservative chatroom will be sending out gifts to our contributers in appreciation to you.
Please keep an eye on your mail you all should be receiving the following...
1. The Catcher in the Rye. by J. D. Salinger (to be received monthly)
2. Beer bottle. (This is to be put on your inside door handle, For when "they" come)
3. Aluminum Foil. (This is to be put on all of your windows. so "they" cannot see in) I believe salient already has this one taken care of!
4. A complete home arson kit complete with ignition switch. (this is only to be used once "they" come).
5. Mirror and disguise. (mirror to redirect sun glare at black helicopter in the day, disguise just in case your in a bind and nothing else will work).
Please feel free if you have any more suggestions.
Now that we are all on board with the theorist maybe we can go back to the "important" issues facing us.
My time is extremely valuable and when I choose to read on vp selections, I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR STUPID THEORIST SHIT.
Please stop disrespecting the hard work of the other contributors posts... And the same respect should be givin to you
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