Sunday, July 13, 2008

My sentiments exactly


By Dick Morris

Ten days ago the Obama campaign launched a new TV ad “Dignity” in 19 states. It talked about how he had pushed for welfare-to-work laws (despite the fact that he opposed the 1996 welfare reform law), worked his way through college, and wants to tax companies that move jobs abroad. It is a move-to-the-center ad, a key piece of his repositioning.

And, except for a four state Republican Party ad buy attacking the Democrats on energy, the McCain campaign has yet to answer. With Obama flip flopping on issues from gun control to public financing to late term abortion to the fairness doctrine to merit pay for teachers, McCain needs to go on the air pronto to pin Obama’s ears back for his flip flops.


Tee Franny said...

Flip Flops is a tired issue however I am waiting to see some life out of the old cracker!

Anonymous said...

Does McCain really need to wake up? Is he is sleep walking his way through his campaign?

If you ask me, the answer is yes to both. McCain needs to wake up and smell the coffee. He seems to either be lackadaisical in his approach and/or has lost the "piss 'n vinegar" he once had. His energy level is low, and he has not demonstrated any ability to overcome the b.s. being thrown at him from the Obama camp on a daily basis.

But lets take another look here. We are now witnessing a reversal in momentum. Both the newsweek poll and the Rasmussen polls both show a tie between McCain / Obama in national poll. Just two months ago, Obama was up by 14 points!

If left untouched, it seems as though Hussein Obama will continue to expose the truth about his radical, Marxist, socialist agenda. This does not sell. People are stuck on any change from anything that resembles the Bush agenda to such a extreme that they don;t listen to the real message. But they will. The real message will be revealed in time with success in Irag, and Bush being out of the spotlight.

Back to McCain taking a backseat... He needs to show some enthusiasm for having a realistic shot at becoming the leader of the free world. He needs to win over the conservative base and empower them to fight along side with him. This time in our life as a nation is too damn important to let this one slide.