Saturday, August 16, 2008

++Chinese Olympic Scandals++

Is it me... Or are the Chinese truly remarkable? Their determination to impress the entire globe is admirable, however, their pursuit to "do whatever it takes" to shock the world and "win at all costs" is not so impressive when you really examine it closely.

Let's take a closer look at what has made headlines recently.

Fake Fireworks - Come on.. Do they really think we are all that stupid?

2. Opening Ceremony Lip sink - To top off the world largest magic show (fake fireworks), they proceeded to attempt to plug the ears and blind the eyes of the entire globe with a fake singing performance. Whaaaat??

3. Now the Gymnist? - We all have stories from when we were in little league with the ethnic pitcher (usually has a mustache at the age of 12) throwing heat in excess of 90 MPH. But violating the age requirements at the World Olympics?

4. Sub-Human Conditions - China forcing their athletes to train in miserable conditions. Where is the outrage from the liberals?

5. Ethnic Children in Ceremony actually not from 56 other provinces. - Just another LIE!!,2933,404723,00.html

Many more - Click on this link and take a look at some of the other scandals.. Its really quite amazing.

More to Come? Of course... The Chinese have proven that they will try to win at all costs. And they will continue to with this approach until they learn that there will be real consequences for their violations.


Anonymous said...

Any news on Russian Scandals?

Tee Franny said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Whats far more important than this rubish is that after 15 years of negotiations, China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO)
on December 11, 2001. China’s entry into the WTO requires it to significantly reform its
trade regime by eliminating or reducing an extensive array of tariff and non-tariff barriers
on goods, services, and foreign investment. The removal of these barriers could result in
significant new opportunities for U.S. exporters. Many Members of Congress have called on the Bush Administration to closely monitor
China’s compliance with its WTO commitments. However, the Bush administration has failed miserably in this arena. Furthermore, our trade deficit with china is off the charts. I could care less about CGI fireworks and more about the ineptitude of the Bush administration to control this transfer of our wealth to a communist nation.


Anonymous said...

Everyone is afraid of China! That is why our current administration will do nothing to enforce its commitments to the WTO and as well as many things related to world trade. They have positioned itself favorable in the global economy so countries like the U.S. and Europe are forced to have to go to china for their sweatshop labor and manufacturing.

A solid leadership in the the White House would protect the U.S. laborers and create additional incentives to encourage US manufacturers to keep their operations (and labor) here.

I think the olympic scandals put on the Chinese are quite indicative of their overwhelming unfair approach. These people don't care about the rights of their people, nor could they care less about following any kind of code or regulations. They of course think they are an exception to every rule. Its quite sickening really.

And this of course comes back to one fact that all of us can attribute this to. It all comes back to a lack of leadership in Washington. Liberalism in the U.S has forced us to become "soft" and not hold these people accountable. Why do we let them do what they want?

They can run their country how they want. Communism or not. But when it comes to trade, they need to play by our rules if they want to do business with us. They need to play by the f-ing rules if they want to compete with the world in the Olympics.

I think they should be disqualified now completely for violating Olympic rules. Their B.S should not be tolerated or they will continue to cheat. This also sets an example of how weak we and international community really is if we don't take a stand of some of this and call them out! Think about what kind of example this sets for the rest of the world! No wonder Russia, Iran, and other enemies are laughing.. There are never any consequences!

Steve G

Anonymous said...

Interesting analysis. Is there a way for me to post? I have a great article about the Georgia conflict. Its interesting that this has not been covered at all considering the magnitude of the potential consequence that seems to be amounting regarding the conflict

Anonymous said...

Tim -

Long time no talk. Put your email up and I will give you posting privileges.

Anonymous said...

I suppose you know who I am. Contact me at:


Anonymous said...

Wait just a minute Steve G. I like your breakdown however, to say liberalism is the cause of our trade deficit is just not a correct analysis. Now, under Buba we really start to see a disproportional increase. However, once the republicans and "W THE DIPSHIT" gained control of the hill it is not even comparable. Just to say liberalism is the cause makes us look stupid. Please no more of this lunacy, understand the statistics and the ancillary information before you just throw that shit out their.


Anonymous said...

Ari is correct here is proof from the census bureau. Seriously, were do you get these fantasies? You just through the stupidest rhetoric out there that you watched on fox. When are you guys going to realize you need to prove your work!!!

Anonymous said...

There is no reference to liberal vs. conservative and the trade deficit in the response. You completely pulled that one out of the sky.

My point (again) is that any administration must put U.S interests first. Create a trade environment which is favorble to US companies and US laborers. China just happened to be the example of the moment.

And with regard to liberalism, I believe that the "softening" of our nation overall has impacted our stance economically (foreign trade) as well as domestically.

And no consequences to violations in international relations (this case Olympics) will lead to further problems. IE: Russians, Iranians etc.

Anonymous said...

stevie g the flip-flopper blows hard again! To bad salient dismantled you. HA HA HA HA

Anonymous said...

Thanks, but no thanks. I don't need unintellectual chirping. This is equally poor form, to saying, you "can put an argument to bed" then not delivering. Honestly, so many of these retorts are just pathetic. Or manipulating peoples words to fit your agenda. Or making ridiculous statements like "Who has time to look at this"? That type of statement alone puts you into the category of jackass. Not everything in life can fit into a Hanity and Combs 30 second catch phrase. PATHETIC LITTLE PUPPETS. You think you have such a grasp and yet you are so off the mark. Thanks for the laughs, the bias, the inability to investigate the truth, I am not among my intellectual peers, that is for sure. Kneedeep keep it up brotha, you do think for yourself and it shows. To the rest of you puppets you have a long way to go.

I'm done,

-salient anomaly

Anonymous said...

What the fuck? That wasn't even me! someone is very clever.

-salient anomaly

Anonymous said...

I think its the gardner, not sure. very sharp though. You even have some of my vernacular down. Very Creepy.

-salient anomaly

Anonymous said...

Just attacking the bloggers appears to be the latest trend on this forum. Does anyone have anything productive to contribute to this topic? If not, don't post. Use your time elsewhere that might actually be productive. You're not contributing to the conservative environment with your pessimistic tone and continual attacks on other bloggers.

The point discussed here, is about the Chinese and their relentless pursuit to dominate at all costs.

Why do the Chinese believe it is okay to lie? Its as if there is no concept of right vs. wrong in their culture.

An intelligent religious perspective could be informative if anyone is versed in Chinese culture and/or religion. It might provide some additional insight why much of the world is completely writing off China.

If you ask me, I am seriously concerned with their customs. I see it in business, as well as in personal situations. In fact, I had two encounters yesterday. One getting on a airplane, and the other was ordering pizza just a few minutes ago. Both instances a Chinese person completely disregarded the fact that there was a line. In the US we strive to have order in society. That means if there is a line, you wait. You don't just cut in front of people. That is one of the most annoying things ever.

Are they the chosen people?

I will finish this thought I am out of time.

Anonymous said...

I once hooked up with a Chinese guy. He had a very small penis.