With Obama's win, the so-called Messiah of the left and the chosen one of the elite, has defeated capitalism. The socialist movement in American politics won an important stage without many average Americans understanding how or why it all happened. Still many people haven't heard of Saul Alinsky or his teachings. And although they won the presidency, we can no longer sit on the sidelines and "hope" our party comes through. I think NOW is a great opportunity for Conservatives to rally amongst each other and get back to our core values, ideas, and beliefs.
It is more clear now (than ever in my lifetime) that our principles need to be conveyed to the American people in a stronger and more passionate manner. As a whole our republican leadership has abandoned conservative values, conservative principles, and conservative strategies in an effort to move towards the middle. In an effort for what? To work with Marxists, Socialists scum like Reid, Palosi, Feinstein, Gore, Kennedy...I mean the list goes on and on. It is the fault of the GOP leadership that somehow sees comfort or sees a path to political victory by moving to the center. I don't see it. I think McCain can be our perfect example of someone who tried too hard to work with the lefties and I think we can all see how it has back fired. Why the hell do we want to move to the middle? The middle is for the weak. The middle is for people who can't "sell" their ideas or beliefs to the masses.
We need to get back to good 'ol republican values of less government, less spending, superior military, and tax-cuts for all. We need to call upon new leadership in our party, we need to believe in our cause, and we need to fight! Are you with me?
The good news is that Obama and his far left agenda will be exposed over the next 4 years (considering they have control of both the house and senate) because they will have no one to blame but themselves.
Although, I am sure they will tie any good news to Obama's administration and any bad news to Bush.
Let the Thugocracy Begin...
This is the worst point of American Politics without a doubt.
What can we expect now? We can definitely expect more racial problems. White America will be on the rise....
Congress got a free pass over the past two years, being able to blame everything on GWB. Obama got elected because he looks least like GWB.
Now they have to stand on their own. Believe me, though, as they begin to fail (it won't take long), they'll still blame him, but now America won't continue to believe it.
You're right ConservativeThought, conservatives are now in a great position, the purge is over. Middle of the road politics lost us the control of congress, and has lost us the White House. A return to our core values will get it all back.
No more RINOs, no more middlings, no more pussyfooting bullshitters. It's time to seek out and elect REAL Republicans.
This movement needs to come from the underground, we need conservatives to rally around a cause and get organized. Perhaps a blog as simple as this can rally our leaders and get a clear vision for our cause.
I think if we wait for our current leaders to get a clue about the state of our party, we will be waiting til we have a sacrificial lamb like McCain up on the podium again. The time is now, the time is here for us to begin our momentum.
The goal: 1-21-2012 (Obama's last day and the first day of the GOP's next and best leader!)
Who does the GOP have for leadership in the ranks?
Palin is getting more attention than the Messiah! What the Heck?
i have to laugh at the blindness. bush fucked us up. mccain was to old and a pussy. G.W. and his rich buddies played us. end of story wake upre
I have to laugh when liberals try to blame everything on Bush.
Obama brought us Hope and that is what the country needs right now. Bush and his cronies brought us an illegal war, lies, higher taxes, lowered world opinion and high gas prices.
Hope? What the hell are you talking about?!?! How does this senator from Chicago who did nothing in the senate, did nothing in his life...give you any indication that he will do anything as president of the united states?
You think he gives you "hope?" Why? because he dresses well or gives a good speech? Now, I know these qualities are pronounced when compared to the last 8 years of Bush...but, c'mon!
He is all hype.
This bailout is and was a joke from the beginning. I don't know why anyone thought this thing was going to work. And we even had some republicans supporting this plan, thats where our party is going too far to the middle. We should pinpoint which GOP leaders supported this fiscally liberal plan and get them outta here.
This bailout plan had a few key points working against it from the start:
1. Giving the government a blank $350 billion check and asking them to be responsible.
2. Giving the government a blank check when its the damn liberals!
3. Giving the government a blank check when they know they got another blank check coming down the pipe.
Who fucking cares about politics right now?
Enough already!
P.S. "Boner in Sweatpants?" That is a hilarious name! Who is that?
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