Friday, February 1, 2008

Are we Doomed?

This has to be one of the most unsettling moments in politics for Conservatives. This is seriously scary.

Did anybody watch the Democratic Debates last night? We now know Clinton / Obama will be the Democratic Ticket. What does that mean to Conservatives? How does a Democratic President / Vice President and a Democratic Congress sound? Does this mean that we are DOOOMED?

Both Candidates represent Socialism. The basic participle of empowering the government to instill policies to govern the population rather than empowering the PEOPLE to govern themselves. The very thought of either candidate in control of our great nation literally makes me want to run straight to the bathroom and blow chunks.

Here is the brief foreshadowing of America to come if the Democrats succeed:
  • Higher taxes to fund useless social programs like welfare to illegals
  • Amnesty to illegal immigrants
  • Open Borders
  • Empowerment of the ACLU
  • Empowerment of CIAR
  • Increase in frivolous lawsuits
  • Suppression of the white conservative male
  • Increasing in corporate taxes
  • Reinstatement of affirmative action in business, academics, and law enforcement but never in sports
  • Celebrate diversity, rather than unity
  • English Language? Gone.
  • Suppression of Christianity
  • Abuse of the U.S. Constitution
  • Gun Control.
  • Nationalized Health care
  • Victory to the Terrorists
  • Greater threat of Terror at home
  • Spread of Islam here at home
  • Spread of Homosexuality in the public school systems
Shall I Go On?

Now is the time to make a difference. Now is our time to stand up to this dark and hopeless future for America. We need to elect a conservative. A Conservative. Not John McCain.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I liked your comment about affirmative action. It is true what you say. They want equality of race in Schools, Law Enforcement and Business but never in sports. How can they have an all black football and basketball teams and not even consider equality of race? This is clearly one-sided.

Anonymous said...

Good article, points for being origonal. I would like it if the authur would put his name to it.It makes it hard for the viewers to understand and argue an author.

It�s so painfully obvious why I�m endorsing John Sidney McCain III (born August 29, 1936). Remember I did not put the candidates on the pedestal (even though I wish I could). It�s a simple matter of logistics and maneuvering at this point. The country, nor the vast numbers of republicans will accept a follower of Joseph Smith (Mormons are stand up citizens in my opinion). If you couldn�t see the righting on the wall with Rudy� well maybe political interpretation isn�t your bag. That�s fine, what�s not fine is once again were forced into the lesser of two evils, with the Republican Party. If you don�t think I�m aware of my decision and know my parties voting record, you would be dead wrong. Barack Hussein Obama (born August 4, 1961) and Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton (born October 26, 1947) will open the flood gates on immigration. So what can we do? Not much at this point�

I appreciate people�s attemps and I guess their psychology to get sabers rattled. Political discussion is great. It�s really the only form of power any of us have. I do want to make a comment in regards to someone questioning my �class�. You should be absolutely ashamed of your self. I�ll assume for now you have not followed by debates (although he started the personal attacks and still to this day has not successfully argued one of my facts) Someone who is a criminal, someone who breaks our laws, someone who supports and revels in the fact THAT YOUR TAX DOLLARS AND FUTURE, PAY ILLEGAL ALLIENS TO ROB OUR SYSTEM. I might lack your definition of �class�, however I won�t criticize your lack brain power.

The Gardner wrote this in response to one of my blogs�

5 Things I am Thankful for this Thanksgiving:

1. Poor disciplined border patrol agents near Tijuana
2. Great tacos at Jose's taco stand in Santa Ana
3. The greatest president in the history of the Untied States; Jorge Bush
4. The greatest Senate/Congress in the history of the United States to make it easier for me and my fellow immigrants to be on the "fast-track" to citizenship (and may even help me to get a drivers license too so I can drive today and VOTE tomorrow!)

You want me to show class to a criminal that spits on our president (no matter how much he sucks) and mocks our great country? You said you�re a conservative, hmmmm? Stupid is as stupid does�

The Gardner will absolutely here a response from me, however I�ve had two deal with two deaths in the recent weeks. When I have time the garden will be torched. Know that, believe that. PLEASE DON'T FORGET WHEN YOU GO TO YOUR FLUFFY LITTLE BED TONIGHT THAT 12 OF YOUR FELLOW COUNTRY MEN WERE KILLED BY ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINALS, THEN TALK TO ME ABOUT CLASS.