Amendment II (the Second Amendment) of the United States Constitution, which is part of the Bill of Rights, declares "a well regulated militia " as "being necessary to the security of a free State", and prohibits Congress or any other government agency from infringement of "the right of the people to keep and bear arms."
Be vigilant of those who want to dissolve your rights! They start slowly with a smile, reassuring you they know what’s best for you and society…
The second amendment was created to ENSURE that the government could never dominate over its citizens.
What is truly horrifying is that these individuals don’t even comprehend the components or the language of their own bills! So easily they are willing to meet their own agenda, giving not even a thought to what our founding fathers established for our safety, security, and God given right to pursue happiness.
Never forget these men lived in a time far different than ours. They where products of a tyrannical Europe. They knew the oppression government could lay upon their citizens. This is why they over threw it and created the most democratic nation the world has ever seen.
Do you understand why it is important that we keep this right? You never want one body more powerful than the other. The bodies of power being the government and the people. One armed and one unarmed? It gives the Politians unlimited power. Hitler used gun control to kill 6 million people. Do you think those Jews in Poland would have jumped on the train if they had all been armed with an M4? Stalin and Pol Pot also disarmed their populations before killing millions.
Remember, assault is a behavior, not a device. If I wanted to, I can beat someone to death with a toaster at the end of a cord. Maybe we should ban those sons of bitches. If our laws reduce our second amendment to revolvers, pumps and slides, like some would like to see. Then how can we be expected to defend ourselves against M-60s and others weapons designed for combat??? We would never want to be in this position.
Maybe violators of our rights like the uniformed Carolyn McCarthy should take a good hard look and see what impact her uneducated transgressions will have on ALL Americans down the road. Maybe, she should look to her parties’ shrine of democracy for the answer..
“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms… disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes”
-Thomas Jefferson
Do you see the smile on the liberals face?
P.S. I don't own a gun
1 comment:
Wow! We have an experienced blogger here at ConservativeChatroom! Well Said.
Gun rights is a difficult issue for me to get into except for one reason. I too am not a gun owner. However, I have a substantial interest in this issue for one simple reason. This represents yet another attempt at the Liberal movement trying to mandate what one (in our free society) can and cannot do. Smell of Napalm is right on with this issue being a direct (yet subtle) infringement upon our constitutional rights. Do not be a sucker for this. Not even in conversation. Liberals are feisty about this issue and many others as they see decisions like health care and the right to bear arms are decisions that are far too important for individuals to make themselves... Therefore let the government make them for you. Hell why make any decisions for yourself when the government can take care of you?
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