Is anyone fed up with this? Lets break this down with fact. 40% of adult African American males (18-65) do not have full time employment (this is backed up by the census bureau). Now, the U.S. prison system is 76% African American. With illegal aliens (not "immigrants") invading our country. This will decimate our previous core minorities (now its Hispanic) work opportunities. Which will what? Create more crime! (It cost on national average $23,000 year to house an inmate.) Read between the lines.
HAVE YOU HEARD THIS ONE: "It will cost to much to contain the border." Hey, stupid, lets use some basic math. The cost of health care, schooling, and national security illegal aliens impose on the American economy. Compared to building, maintaining, and patrolling a 2000 mile stretch is not even comparable. What is it worth, if one, just one, nuclear bomb makes it into an American city? 1 billion for 10 years of safety compared to 40 billion now? 100 billion if a nuclear bomb finds it way to L.A. Are you kidding me nimrod?
Mexicans like to say, "We are just reclaiming what was once ours". Boy, it must hurt to be this ignorant. One, Mexico stole land from Guatemala! This is fact. Two, The California territory had a massive Spanish population. There were few permanent residents of non-Hispanic birth or descent before 1824. In addition, the Hispanic population of the California territory, is estimated, to be around 100,000 and 2,500 of white European descent during 1845. Lets also not dismiss, so quickly, that Mexico gave an enormous land grant of 48,000 acres to Johann August Sutter. Why, because they could not manage it! They wanted profits! Mexico defined California as a providence. So, If the vast majority of the California voted to join the Union and Europeans were only 2,500 out of 100,000 HOW IS THIS THEFT?!!!
Last time I checked Canada to Chile already had an indigenous population. Every single country is on "stolen land". But hey, Its always the "WHITE AMERICAN REPUBLICAN DEVIL" trying to corrupt and steal right?
We are not fighting a war of Communism vs. Democracy. This is a battle to protect our sovereignty as a nation. A fight to enjoy our way of life that our forefathers busted their ass and died for, to create, maintain, and proliferate. This is not Berlin. This is not Hadrian's Wall. This wall stands for something completely different. If you are not able to grasp this concept you will one day. This day will be when crime is out of control and we no longer have the resources to support our population. Its simple math. Do not fool yourself even mighty Rome fell in 40 years. Wake up!
The Napalm
Before you respond at all, chew on this...
P.S. Don't give me that "Cheap Fruit" argument it will only show your inability to look at the entire economical picture. No, really... don't embarrass yourself.
I would like to thank you for opening up this forum.
Not all immigrants are the same. Does that sound harsh? Look at immigrants from Japan or India. They come and apply themselves to learning the language, and they take the oath of loyalty to our country, study very hard in school and make a contribution to society. I could go down the list of other countries whose people come here with gratitude.
But then you have immigrants who sneak, cheat, or lie their way into this country. Once they are here they immediately apply for welfare benefits. They make little effort to learn English, some take pride in not learning the language. They demand health care. And they refuse to respect the law. Some prefer Jail because it may be a better experience then back in the third would countries in which they come from.
Did you know that 25-30 percent of all prisoners are illegal aliens? That means that Americans are being taxed to fund the cost of housing, feeding, entertaining and guarding 1 out of 4 prisoners who doesn’t even belong in this county.
Then there is the third class of immigrants, who didn’t come here to mooch, not for the ACLU-care benefits, not to study, or for the host of other liberal handouts. They came to kill us. They come to fly planes into our buildings.
Living in a state like California will give you a different perspective. Where Hospital emergency rooms are crowded with illegal aliens, where students are being handicapped their first 2 years of education because of language differences. The system is bankrupting one of the largest economies in the world (California) and the projections get dire over the next 10 years.
Regardless of how you feel about multiculturalism a nation can not survive a flood of immigration at this pace. So let’s hope that our elected officials will stop playing politics and start doing their Job.
Quick addition... I would recommend looking at Portugal or to a much smaller extent Orange County California.
If this problem isn't fixed the United States will turn into a country of "Have" and "Have Not".
The Haves will much like in Portugal live in gated communities and in complete isolation from the rest of the population.
From Melting Pot to Cinder Pot.
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