Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani convinces his opponent Democratic candidate Hilary R. Clinton that her chances of winning presidency are slowly diminishing. All it took was a refresher of her husband’s most recent sexual escapades. Left without a voice or choice she agrees and takes the route with the NY subway...
Funny link... But not exactly breaking news. That picture as been circulating for over 2 years!
I'd call that an oldie but goodie!
Rudy Giuliani and Hilary Clinton are one in the same. If you look at where each of these candidates were on key issues (excluding the war), I'd swear they would be the same person...
Lets run down the issues and see if they are on different sides of any issue:
Illegal immigration: same position
Voting for Iraq (1): same position
Voting for Iraq (2): same position
Funding the war (1): both said yes
Funding the war (2): both said yes
Abortion: same position
Adoption: same position
Liberal social issues: both
NY elitest: same position
I mean think about it, have you ever seen Rudy and Hillary in the same room together?
If you vote for Rudy, you are voting for Hilary with a dick!
We need to get all of our facts straight and come together as a conservative movement. Who is the best conservative candidate? It surely isnt Rudy.
Romney or Huck?
They are our two best chances. I put Giuliani, Thompson, and McCain in the same senior division.
What are you talking about? Hilary and Rudy are the same?
Is this Gardner posting anonymously again? Whoever that was needs to get their facts straight before posting on this site.
Hillary is a proponent for immigration reform and higher taxes. She thinks she can improve on Hilary-Care of the early 90's and she has a hatred of the military.
We need a proven leader and we all know Rudy is just that. He rose up and answered the bell when 9/11 occurred. He was there to help bring our nation back.
His record is a little weak on all truly conservative issues, but he is against illegal immigration (although his track record in the past isn't the best) and he is for lowering taxes.
We do need focus this blog on debating the issues and understanding what is at stake in '08!
Rudy and Hillary are two bad choices.
The only clear choice is Ron Paul.
Its a revolution, are you going to be apart of it?
Ron Paul '08
Starker, I beg you check your facts! Hillary is the most liberal presidential candidate known to man kind. If you're going to compare Rudy to her, than you need to go on www.liberalchatroom.com and "air it out" there!
Hey Anonymous 9:28am...
I didnt compare Hillary to Rudy, it was some dumbfuck before my comments.
Maybe you should check your facts and learn to read before you criticize mine.
Starker is a new voice on this chatroom. His observations seem to be right on. Rudy is a good leader, however is record on gun control and immigration may be the stake that is driven through his truly conservative platform.
If you are satifsied with a moderate conservative that has a iffy record on immigration, gun control, and abortion; then you should cast your vote for Rudy.
Is Romney any better?
Is Huckabee going to survive the latest AIDS controversy?
Does McCain still consider himself a frontrunner?
Has Thompson said anything worth listening to?
It is going to to be tough in '08because I fear a country run by Obama or Hillary. Us true conservatives/republicans may need to set aside our "perfect conservative" candidate and VOTE for a candidate that can beat the democrats.
Politics are a great thing and it is up to us to educate our friends who do not care or will ever care. The biggest opponent the Republican party will encounterin '08 is an uneducated voter who believes everything he/she hears on the drive-by media.
Does Conservative Chatroom have any t-shirts or stickers? We need to get the word out.
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