I can't help, but rehash the recent Nobel Prize Award presented to "Mr. Science Al Gore". I can't help but wonder where did the sudden praise and honorary attributes come from? Well, he's made a slide show movie (The Inconvenient Truth), which by majority focused on his political achievements, his admirable family life, his son's car accident and other family occurrences. How is it that anyone is able to get away with producing a movie about conflicting facts which have not been precisely proven by science? Al Gore has been preaching global warning junk for over 20 years, but so has been my college geology teacher.
In 1999 I was a witness of a speech preaching to me about distinction of oil in 10 years. Well, we are about a year away from that fact and I am pretty darn sure we won't be without oil in 2009. Al Gore and the entire liberal Hollywood media announced just that in 1988. We had 20 years to fix global warming or we'll all die. Why isn't anyone hunting down those who have made such statements and who have not retracted such statements? Why isn't anyone looking for Al Gore and attempting to repossess his prize? Al Gore received a Nobel Prize Award for talking only speculated global warning data, which we all know is a schemical ploy in which he used disastrous and worst case scenarios, to attract uneducated audience and in turn use it for his political plotting. It was more then evident that he was building ammunition for the upcoming election. Thankfully he is not running. Is he scared? Is it because Mr. Green Science is an over consumer of energy?
Not too long after his PP was released, the department of energy provided facts about his home life consumption of energy. Al Gore consumes 20 times more energy per year than the national average. The facts about his consumption provided from 2005 to current have increased each year. Why does Mr. Green Science (I named him that myself) get away with flying private jets from coast to coast? The fuel burned by a private jet making a roundtrip from coast to coast burns as much fuel as a Hummer does in 2 years I really have to site the fact Gore made at the GP Award ceremony last October. He states that " accumulation of green house gasses is a moral issue, it is deeply unethical." What does it than make him? What does it make the Hollywood elite, which created the movie for Mr. Green and which only flies private jets? It makes them all Liberal Hypocrites. I recommend that you take a gander at the movie and not only will your 8 th grade geography facts come up to surface, but you'll be able to argue Gore's unfounded facts and tackle his wrong explanations. The man says the atmosphere is relatively thin and it is being "thickened" by huge quantities of carbon dioxide. It is not the density that matters it is the chemistry of carbon dioxide that does. He simply has no idea what he's talking about.
My favorite part of the movie would have to be the way Mr. Green's persona is being outlined in the movie. He is the hero, the warrior for green planet, the crusader for green justice, standing alone or walking alone in the darkened barn. The scenes are meant to portray our inability to imagine the burden Mr. Green bears…. for the human society.
In any way, the facts made by Al Gore were over exaggerated, misleading, worst case scenario plays to scare the general public, blame the conservatives for fighting an oil war and praise Democrats for another job well done!
Sources: To be added
Global Warming is a liberal pacifist scam directed at diverting attention away from todays real threat.... Radical Islam!!
lol, come on Radical Islam? Come on! As if its something to worry about. Its basically a war, and wars have been going on forever. Global warming is a fact! Or sice some people try to deny it, call it Climate change. The undeniable fact is that "for some reason" the rate at which ice shelfs are breaking off and melting is increasing. Which would eventually cause some major effects on the climate, not to mention floods all over the place. But then again, something like an ice age is necessary for the world to gain balance. Beecause, another thing to be actually worried about in the long run is the population. 6 billion sound like a bit too many people? how about 9 billion? Coz thats the world population estimate for 2050. So unless we can find a way to live on the moon, our future generations are in trouble.
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