Seventy percent of America's electricity sources produce CO2 emissions. Cap-and-trade will raise electricity prices ["Cap-and-trade really cap-and-tax," Opinion, June 2]. Electricity prices raise the cost of everything. The cost is in the trillions. On another front, permits for new electrical plants are harder to get because of the recent listing of polar bears as a threatened species. Where could this lead? It means that only "alternative energy" plants will be built. These alternatives, other than nuclear, operate less than 40 percent of the time when the wind blows or the sun shines, but you never hear about this capacity factor. Electric power supply shortages will cause the whole country to experience something like the California electricity crisis of 2000-2001. This could eventually lead to forced electricity rationing such as meters that shut off your power. Cap-and-trade is designed by the "greens" to bring America's economy further down to Europe's "global" level.
Courageous scientists, called "deniers" by climate-change alarmists, have established that climate change is a natural phenomenon regulated by the sun, the oceans and clouds. The deniers still debate climate-change science even if former Vice President Al Gore, the presidential candidates and climate-change alarmists cannot. Climate change is natural, insignificant and noncatastrophic. I believe that Americans can adapt to global warming of 1 degree per 150 years because it will be during the winter at night in the northern latitudes. The dirty little secret in all this is that CO2 emissions reduction will do nothing to stop climate change.
However, it's not about global warming. It's about Americans losing the freedom to run our factories at full capacity when we want; to drive our SUV's to our vacation homes, shooting clubs and political rallies, and to turn the air conditioner down to 72 degrees for a garage-band party on a hot summer night. It's about the freedom to power our computers all day to e-mail our friends and nongovernmental organizations and read blogs; to leave the power on your TiVo when you travel; to watch TV on multiple big screens; to use incandescent light bulbs whenever we please and shine them brightly on this anti-American cap-and-trade legislation. Electrical energy has been essential to our freedom, prosperity, security and our way of life. To allow the politicians to ration or eliminate the large sources of fossil fuel energy, at a time when these same ("green") political forces oppose coal, nuclear and hydroelectric sources (more than 98 percent of our nation's total), is dangerous for our nation.
The power to tax-and-ration energy is the power to have life-and-death control over every human being. No government should ever have this power. I don't want European-style ("green") tyranny in America. I stand with the global warming "deniers." "Don't Tread on Me."
Bill Malenius of Laguna Niguel
This is a brilliant perspective from a credible source. Not only does this contributor know a thing or two about power, he's an expert! Mr. Malenius has designed many power plants around the world for more than 30 years!
His point is clear. The liberals have been struggling with the success of the American people for decades. They blame America for people's success. They think its not fair for us be prosperous. Its not right for us to drive SUV's, have central air, and be totally free to live as we desire when others struggle. Liberals feel guilty when others committ their lives to excellence and achive success. So their ideal scenario is to be in control of American freedoms. The Global Warming Cult is just one example on how they attempt to control our people.
Additionally, I believe liberals struggle with defining issues at different stages in politics. Conservatives are clearly pro-business, lower taxes, National Security and are Pro-America. Liberals are nothing but disloyal, betraying sell-outs scared of conflict!
Is Bill posting a response to his own post? Is Bill the same as White Stickler? He's gotta be to give yourself/himself that much cred.
What kind of a guy would post a comment about your own comments, just to make sure you get a comment on this blog. Oh wait...thats what this whole damn blog is all about. It seems like there are 2-3 dudes sitting in a basement in Seattle, with another guy sitting in SoCal... Hell, if you need "other" people to post about your topic, just mention illegals to get a rant from the Napalm. Or mention Bobby Jindal to get a rise out of Salient or even discuss random topics like Range Rovers and Rap to get Steve o to chime in...
But just don't be the guy who posts a comment about his own comment, just to make it look like you got comments about your own damn comment!
- Geechy Guy
Be smarter than that!
For those of you who think the liberals and environmentalists truly care the animals off the coast or in ANWAR are fucking high! They don't want us to drill for oil for other reasons and it aint got a thing to do with the environment. Its all a scam, hoping to get the average citizen scared and upset over the cost of energy. The liberals figure if they can get enough people upset about the costs of energy...then enough people will want "someone" to do something about it AND guess who that "someone" is?
The GOVERNMENT!! Thats right, the fucking Government.
If enough people feel the costs of energy are too high, the liberals hope they can use a bigger government to solve the problem. And there answer is more taxes, more restrictions on our freedoms. Keep a look out for the news, watch the lefties report negative news about higher gas prices, record profits, and evil businessman. When the hell did it become a crime to generate a profit? As we all know the media is in bed with the liberal agenda.
Be smarter than that. Keep an open mind and understand what the liberals are trying to do to you. Dont let your friends fall prey, correct them, correct their way of thinking. Its a lot easier to listen to the news, its harder to be a true conservative and think for yourself!
- The Straw
The Gardener is back! And in full Gardener fashion too! Never a contribution.. but always a jab! We love Gardener!
"A bunch of dudes in a basment" We are the bigest group of fucking pimps you know bitch. I would love to meet you in real life. Obviously you know who we are. So, stop being a coward. You got a problem with me? buck up like a man pussy.
The Napalm
These Libs are so lost. Look what they did with E-85! WHY CANT WE DRILL OFF OUR SHORES WHEN CHINA IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????????????????????
-salient annomaly
Is this a "Conservative Chat-room" or "Lets all Say the Same Damn Thing So Nobody Gets There Feelings Hurt-Room"?
Its amazing what happens when you critique somebody else's post. God forbid somebody actually posts a counterpoint.
I thought the purpose of this site was to exchange ideas, exchange points of view and have a discussion about todays important topics...and occasionally disagree with the articles posted on this chatroom. Its the back-n-forth shit talking that makes this chatroom tolerable! We have 2 choices, we as a chatroom can post better quality articles and let our content carry this site forward or we can continue to post mediocre content, yet rely on the responses and jabbing to carry this site forward. What'll be?
-The Gardner
PS Thats right dipshit, estoy en casa bitch!
Preach on Gardner... I enjoy your misguided intrepretation. This site would be less with out you.
-The Napalm
Since when did freedom become synonymous with being a self-absorbed glutton? Heaven forbid an American is asked to drive a little less or unplug his plasma at night. Ohhhh how horrible for the poor little American, you might actually have to put some personal thought into how your actions affect the world around you.
Are not conservatives all about personal choice and self responsibility? So how come when it comes to protecting the environment or conserving resources on this little planet of ours (note, "ours" not "yours") it is always somebody else' problem.
By the way, most of the founding fathers were strong environmentalists who preached the importance of the great expanses of wilderness around them.
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