Democratic Nominee is now official.. Supposedly. Can the Clinton Machine overturn this decision?
For Conservatives, it is time to get to work. This run is ours to win, or ours to lose Obama will not beat us. If we lose, it is only because we beat ourselves.
Get on board to stop the Marxist from getting to power! America is not a Socialist Nation!
Don't jump the gun on us here now. Do you really think that Hilary will concede based on the super delegates?
She has a valid case. How is it constitutional to have the super delegates outweigh the vote of the people? Especially in Michigan. Obama was not even on the ballot? How can any of those votes go to him?
Go Hilary!
Jeff has got to be a liberal.
When will CNN/ABC/CBS show America the real Obama? the Obama who hasn't been proud of America a day in his life (up to this point in history), who doesnt hold his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegance..who works against the military, hates a free-market...
Obama's rhetoric and message of change for the remainder of the political race will not include any of his positions (or lack thereof)his stance on the military, Iran, Iraq, or education, or healthcare, housing, economy. We will all have to thank Obama's infinite wisdom and the collective intellect of the LIBERAL movement, for they will associate McCain to Bush. McCain to Bush like a broken record. Bash Bush, bash McCain, bash Bush, if I bash Bush...I am bashing McCain. Is that the type of leader who inspires? Is that the type of leader who YOU would want to run the free world?
180 days of a broken liberal record.
-conservative thought
Better off with Hilary than 'Gangsta'Obama..We may as well say good bye to the hard working white Americans and hello to fellow Kenyans - Obama's relatives who are already getting their visas to come and pollute our country and take advantage of the resources and generousness this country has built based on market economy and freedom of innovative business making!
It may sound racist, but what the hell! How many more mooching immigrants / minorities can our country sustain? Open borders? It's the people like Obama who will drive our country to the pits of despair with his 'open' mind thinking. We need to take care of the ones that make this country successful and preserve that image to keep our country flourishing not diminishing!
Obama was crushed on the later part of his campaign. Once people became aware of "The Rev" and B.O.'s comments about middle America it scared allot of people. I'm telling you he will not win.
-salient anomaly
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