A couple of days ago I said that Palin’s speech Wednesday night was no longer big, it was HUGE.
Pregnant daughters, organizations promoting secession, DUI’s, improper firings, blah blah blah blah blah.
The avalanche of negative press surrounding Palin was historical. Think about it. Even Dan Quayle, the previous record-holder for media battering, didn’t have this type of smear directed his way in such a short and concise period.
And quite frankly, it is all genius.
How? Let’s quickly look at the past week.
Thursday: Obama breaks all standing records for self-congratulation and delivers a speech of epic emptiness to, appropriately, 80 thousand empty-headed worshippers.
Friday: Palin is announced as VP. The world is talking about Sarah Palin. Even the previously mentioned empty-headers can’t help themselves.
Saturday: Internet rumors swirl about “trooper-gate”, “AIP”, “DUI”, and that baby Trig’s mother is not Sarah, but Bristol.
Sunday: The news programs and papers start hammering away. “She’s an unfit mother!” “She has no experience!” Even Obama plays in, ignoring her experience as governor and claiming he has more experience because he manages a campaign (he does not) and she only has been mayor of a small town. The sharks continue to circle.
Monday morning: Bristol Palin is preggers. Shit storm ignites. “Trooper-gate”, “AIP”, “DUI”, “unfit mother”, “no experience” – there’s nothing else in the media except for anti-Palin. Where is Sarah? She is no where to be found. Thusly, it keeps up. The storm increases. “UNWED MOTHERS” “TROOPER GATE” “AIP” “DUI” “UNFIT MOTHER” “NO EXPERIENCE!!!!!”
Tuesday: The convention resumes. The attacks remain. Sarah Palin is still no where to be found.
Wednesday: The buzz is building. The reclusive Sarah is speaking tonight. Everyone is talking… Where has she been? What will she say? How will she handle it? Still, she is silent, ignoring even friendly press questions at the walk through on the stage.
Wednesday Night: Confidence. Charm. Strength. Composure. A party invigorated. A nation abuzz.
Thursday: Not a paper in the country without Sarah Palin’s face on the front page. The consensus: HOMERUN. And the shit storm from Monday and Tuesday? A retraction from the New York Times. The rest? It was relegated to one line in a stories that highlight the woman, highlight the speech, and rather than give credence to the smears, focus on how she overcame them.
So, how did it all happen? The GOP played their cards brilliantly. They knew of the troubles when they appointed her. They let the press run wild. The press had nothing else to report about Sarah Palin aside from the negative. Then, by Wednesday morning it all ready started to run its cycle and die off as the actual speech took, well, center stage. By Wednesday night, the smears were an afterthought. By Thursday morning, they are a side note. By Friday morning, after McCain’s speech, we’ve got ourselves a race.
The campaign begins Friday. The campaign bumps in the polls will have evened themselves out. And the shitstorm is old news. They let it build, they let it die, they buried it with a MONSTER speech. And America was watching. Over 37 million people tuned it to watch a VP candidate deliver her speech. A VP candidate almost matched “the messiah’s” numbers.
And what about that speech?
From the moment she took the stage, she dominated the arena. People could not take their eyes off her. She walked on to the stage and when the cheers finally died down, she made it clear that she was in control. No more press, no more bloggers, no more liberal smear machine. It was the Sarah Palin show. In mere moments, there wasn’t a single doubt, from even the most jaded critic who harped on her lack of experience, that she belonged on that stage. Every single comment over the past week about her inexperience was instantly trumped. Sarah Palin smothered them. She did it with wit, she did it with charm, she did it with force…but most of all, she did it with a confidence and a level of composure that matched or bested even the very best and most seasoned politicians that Washington DC has to offer.
She dominated in a way that McCain can’t do, in a way that GWB can’t do, in a way that Dole or GHWB never could do. You see where I’m going with this. It’s been a long time since someone from the GOP has taken the stage and performed like that, and the slightly tired and ambivalent base watched it and were enlivened by it.
I’m not saying that Palin is the next you-know-who. I’m just saying that on this night, the Great Communicator is up there smiling.
So, what does it all mean? Is she the answer to Obama’s eloquence? Is she the sparkplug that will awaken a dormant party? Will she inspire women voters? Will average Americans flock to her, seeing more of themselves in her than they do in the elitist, Obama?
The Dems are hoping not. But as of today, they’ve got a lot to worry about because the smear gun is quickly running out of ammo…and now they have to face her.
I know Sarah well. She is smart, very articulate, and very
She has not really taken the reins as Governor here and
has polarized the two
houses of the legislature and they both fight her all the time. She has
special session after special session and then veto's any of their spending measures they bring forward. I've had dinner with her a couple of times and she
avoids ever talking shop and always turns the discussion towards her kids and raising a family. She would be a better first lady than VP What she
does have is incredible luck. Everything she does the media just loves. She takes credit for
anything good that happens and distances herself from the bad. She has several very small children and gave birth to a down syndrome child about six
months ago. I think fact that she's a woman, young and attractive, articulate,
and proven Christian supporter of right to life that the spin doctors thought she would draw in voters that were on the fence. It's hard to say how she would
really do but it will be interesting to watch her try to help run the country
and raise her family at the same time. The big issue I see is that if anything happened to McCain you'd have a person that was a one term mayor and two year gov as her entire political history running the country. That scares me.
But then there is absolutely no one else running that I would vote for either.
We have a political mess and no real choices in leadership....
What a Country
Eskimo Pizo
Anybody have three minutes to watch Newt hand it to a black reporter? Tell me if you think this guy even could of debated if he wanted to..
Hopefully the link works for you otherwise just type in Newt Gingrich
Knee Deep thanks for the time-line, well done ! This blog is on life support and you are keeping it alive.
The above post came to me last weekend from my uncle. His response to a question I asked him about Palin. I found it interesting to hear a perspective of someone that actually knows her and is a lifelong Republican.
The facts are the timing for her could not be better. Liberal left media (see youtube for ex) will walk into there own trap if they choose to bring up the experiance issue. Latest Polls suggest 41% (rassmussen) of the people think she is more qualified then Barak.
The question " what happens if John McCain kicks the bucket" doesn't concern me. Our founding fathers did a pretty good job creating our government. One conservative would have an extremely hard time messing up our country. Plus she is going to be surrounded by experienced (like minded) individuals.
The exciting thing for me beyond the election (which will be extremely difficult. The media is not done with her yet either) is the new blood of conservatives that will be leading our country over the next 20 years. People like Palin, Jindal, Pawlenti, all have the capacity to keep America in the direction of self reliance, liberty and independence.
I cant even pick a favorite part about her speech by the way. The entire performance was awesome! When they panned over and we saw Piper taking care of Trig.. that was priceless!
-salient anomaly
Ha! The libs got a taste of their own medicine!
Everything about Palin seems to be the brilliant pick to clown the obama camp - young, attractive, smooth talking, leadership, etc..
I second Salient on this.. I am in love too!
Steve G
Whats this rumor I hear about the dems in a panic to get Biden off the ticket and replace with.. KILLARY?
How remarkable would that be? This is just another example of how this party has absolutely no backbone. They will do anything they can to win. Even if that means making commitments and retracting all of their promises to their supporters.
Truly amazing if this really happened. The funny thing is you can just picture Hillary too. She is in all her glory knowing that her party is in a tailspin just wishing they would have used her.
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