I am not sure if the McCain campaign truly gets it. At this point they are keeping Sara Palin a little to close to the reservation. I believe this strategy is completely missing the point. Its obvious that Sara Palin has been able to connect with a large subset of the population and its seems as if people recognize a little Sara Palin in themselves. What that means to me is people are willing to overlook some mistakes or lack of experiance for her authenticity. This is a high stakes debate and the left wing nutjobs are throwing all kinds of mud post the Couric interview. Thursday is going to be a huge night and Palin needs to reestablish herself. She can do it if they let her.
thats not even a real photo of her dumb shit
Buckwheat is a dipshit. Where did you learn how to write? Dildos dyslexia school for the dumbfucks? Please this is drivel.
She will get creamed. Maybe a little whip cream even..
That picture has been proven to NOT be her by the way. She has much nicer calves
i seriously want to mouth fuck her
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