McCain needed a homerun (or at least a double off-the-wall) and he missed his opportunity. He may have won the debate, but I don't think it was enough to win the election. It pains me to say it, but McCain and his handlers failed to prepare adequately for this debate. Obama is an easy opponent to prepare for, he said the same "talking points" as the the 1st and 2nd debates. The key to a successful debate is to set up your opponent, to get them to speak from a defensive point of view. McCain needed to set up Obama as the "smooth talking, eloquent trial lawyer he truly is." McCain needed to set up Obama as "an empty suit, a politician who will and has been promising the world to everyone." That way when Obama starts his talking, he looses credibility. Obama has been lying his whole career, so it's nothing for him to continue his lying during the debates.
McCain let Obama off the hook on each major topic of the discussion; he let him go on education, he let him go on defense, he failed to connect the dots with Ayers (although he did mention the topic of Obama and Ayers, he failed to connect the dots as needed..it turned into a he said/he said back-n-forth). McCain mentioned Joe the Plumber, but didn't deliver enough on the "Spreading the wealth" comment. McCain had an excellent opportunity to tie Obama to the Fannie Mae/Mac scandal (he didn't) McCain could have done this, could have done that...but, the bottom line is he DID NOT do enough.
McCain tried to swing for the fences, he tried to hit the home run, but ended up getting jammed and hitting a weak ground ball to second.
Obama's secret that he hasn't told the American public is that he a socialist thug! This country is in for a surprise!!
Is Roy Hobbs posting again on this blog?
CT, I agree.
Unfortunately, McCain is a soldier going in to a debate with a Lawyer.
Who's gonna win that fight?
Obama has spent a career talking in circles and this his homecourt.
McCain isn't the guy who's gonna beat Obama at his own game. It's just not his style. It's just not how he plays. I'm sure the PR/Spinmen/Speechwriters had the elements in place, but you gotta have a good orator to deliver the punches. McCain is many things, but a slick-talking lawyer he is not.
Anyone with a brain knows that. You know what you get with Obama, and for a lot of people, it's not what they want.
Is Joe the Plumber gonna be the game changer we needed?
Haha Joe the Plumber...
We've been saying it over and over again, Obama's good with a teleprompter but off the cuff he gets himself in to trouble.
It's awesome to hear what the man's really about.
One sentence tells you more about the person than 18months of his bullshit. "We gotta spread the wealth around"...
Spread the fuckin wealth? What an asshole! Obama is a pure socialist! With a slight slip of his tongue...the snake (obama) will be bitten!!
Its amazing as you read drudge or any other news outlet, the media is on the take for Obama. I know it shouldn't be shocking, but it is. Everyone is trying to declare victory for Barry before the election even begins. They are trying to dissuade voter turnout an
McCain has come out throwing hay makers for the last week or so. He has just started calling Obama's tax cuts Socialist! And I think he should continue with that motto...He needs to drive home the point that Obama is a Marxist/Socialist. Obama has done a good job to hide his true self and appeal to the so-called middle class. I wonder if its too little too late. He should have have shortened up his swing and put the ball in play during the debate...but he loaded up on his backside and fisted one to second base.
This race is getting pretty exciting, on Drudge today, you can see McCain is within 4-5.5% which is definitely within striking distance for the GOP. If you read a previous post of 'Conservative Thought', you know that Gore and Kerry each had 5-8% leads on Bush back in 2000 and 2004. This race ain't over and I am expecting an October surprise...I wonder what it'll be.
Lets hope that Obama is the only one getting fisted on November 4th!!
You know your cool when you make a comment on your own post.
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