For all of those panic stricken Conservatives out there...the sky is NOT falling. If you compare the polling data to this time, 4 years ago...Kerry was ahead of Bush by the same margin. In fact if you compare the polling data back when Gore ran against Bush in 2000; the polling data had Gore with a 5-7% lead on this date 8 years ago.
The media is going to do their best to convince the American public that the race is over before it begins. They want to discourage Republican voters from voting. Please stop panicking. Learn from what history has taught us.
If a Republican is within 10% of the polling prior to the election...its the same as a dead-heat. Anything can happen.
Good Confidence Boosta yo.
But I still be votin for Osama. I mean Barry. You know - Barry Obama. He my nigga.
Its embarrassing when members of this blog like Salient start whining that we are all "doomed"... there's no reason to be so emotional!!
Y'all starting to sound like a bunch of liberals!
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