Bhutto’s assassination will be yet another blemish on the heads of extreme Muslins. Never forget you will always be “The Internal Infidel”. Hate speech, yes to those that posses a week mind. Our thoughts go out to those that live under the tyrannical hand of the traditional Muslim state. It just seems whenever equality and democracy try reaching its hand out of the drowning oil its slapped back down. Is this systemic of a religion or a people? You tell me…
The Napalm
P.S. I wonder if Musharraf slept a little better last night?
Can anyone post something new on this website? Can somebody call the Gardner or Napalm to sober up from their New Year's celebration and start posting again!
Last time I checked, Huckabee was on a roll and Hillary's armor had started to crack.
Lets get this blog going again.
P.S. the good news about nobody posting on the site recently is that we didnt have to read anything "that ass " had to say.
Did anyone see Mitt's blunder last night in the debates...he speaks out of both sides of his mouth more than any other politician up (at least on the Republican side). On a Nat'l televised debate he said he NEVER called McCain's policy "Amnesty!" Yet he approved 2 different commercials claiming that very same thing against McCain.
Romney has spent a whole hell of a lot of money trying to help his campaign over the past 6 months, but his inability to show charisma or persona or tell the truth has done major damage to his name. Additionally, it seems like Mitt gets rattled far too easily.
Has Guiliani done the smart thing by hanging back and letting everyone else dook it out? If you haven't been paying attention, He is in 3rd place battling for that spot vs Huckabee in New Hampshire. And by laying low, or even on the "DL" as some may say...is looking to be a promising strategy.
Maybe Amavel and the other suck-ups behind this blog had it right all along...is Guiliani going to make it happen?
McCain is a strong candidate, but will be 80 years old at the end of his term (if he were elected). His record on immigration is scarred (even though we all know he approves Amnesty for illegals with his buddy Kennedy) yet he is very strong on defense.
Huckabee is still a question mark for most conservatives I know.
Mitt?? enough said. His stock has dropped farther than Vaso and Cardiodynamics.
Guliani? If he wasn't such a damn liberal on too many important social issues, he would be a slam dunk.
I think the races in both parties are turning out to be a lot closer than anyone had predicted.
Who is it gonna be?
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