As of December 12, 2007
Per Latest National GOP Poll: Rudy 25% Huckabee 19% Romney 17% Thompson 14% McCain 12% Paul 3%
Although Rudy has seen poll numbers decreasing with the Huckabee boom, he has to be reassured in the second part of the choice above - his clear double digit lead in the first and second place choices.
Giuliani’s “Big State” strategy is predicated on maintaining a national poll lead particularly for fundraising support. With his apparent second or third place finishes in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, the Giuliani campaign must now marshall their resources in Florida and move to the big states, including California and Illinois.
The race continues to be fluid and indeed may be headed toward a protracted state by state and delegate by delegate campaign - Something although exciting for the public is not relished by the national GOP.
Stay tuned…….
Is this Steve O's clone?
We all know you must have drank the Kool-Aid last night at that function, because the facts you are presenting here are only a small portion of the true facts about Rudy.
It is true "Latest GOP Poll" has Rudy at 25% of likely voters and Huckabee is at 19%.
But, the real story behind these numbers is that only 1 month ago Rudy was at 35% and Huckabee was at 9%!!
So if you want to promote these numbers as being a good thing for Rudy, you may...however you may look at these polling numbers from a different perspective and realize that Rudy has lost over 10% in 1 month, while Huckabee has gained 10%.
Who knows if Huckabee will be able to shake off these latest attacks about his "Jesus and the Devil are brothers" comments to the New York Times Magazine, but if I were you I wouldn't be so happy about these numbers.
And your right, "Although Rudy has seen poll numbers diminishing with the Huckabee boom" he has lost ALL 10% to the Huck campaign...WATCH OUT!
Starter... I mean... Starker,
Your arguement is practically irrelevant. Guiliani is still in the lead, and WILL win both the nomination, as well as the Presidency.
Polls now are practically useless. Lets debate issues, and discuss relevancy of electoral variables, not meaningless polls.
I'm sticking to my gunz.. Huckabee is an impossibility, Romney can't win the primary. Therefore... That only leaves one..
Alright Steve o Clone...
I agree your polls will soon be even more useless when the social-lib Rudy loses even more of his lead to Huckabee.
If you want to debate the issues, then how about you answer these questions nukka:
Where is Rudy on Gun control? He is in favor of gun control, in fact he brags about his government funded (big gov) programs to eliminate hand guns in New York Cit.
Where is Rudy on abortion? Pro Choice. There goes a huge percentage of the base he needs to beat Huckabee or Romney..let alone Hillary or Obama.
What does Rudy's record show him on illegal immigration? because I can tell you that Rudy is NOW strongly against illegal immigration b/c he knows he has to be in order to get the nod in the GOP...but where has been in the past is omportant.
If you want a politician who will change his stance as often as the wind changes direction, then Rudy is your man.
Steve O clone, If you dont have typical conservative values then a socially liberal conservative may be your choice.
Starker... If I didn't know better I'd rip you a new one. You are trying to make a fuss over issues that clearly are not a deciding factor in today's political climate.
Gun Control? Abortion? Are these really the deciding issues of our time?
Come on... Lets be real here.
Who is tougher on fighting terrorism? Who has a better plan to provide tax relief to corporations, tax payers, and relieving the burden on the elderly if they choose to pass along their life savings to a loved one? Who has the vision to beef up our military to fight Russia, China, N. Korea?
Sure Rudy has flopped on abortion. But who gives a shit? People care about the security of our nation, the dollar in our pocket, and beefing up the military. These are the issues of today. Not abortion and gun control.
Too much CNN for you Starker. You are clearly becoming intoxicated with the liberal Kool-aid...
Next thing we're gonna see from Starker is a picture of him in his new Prius preaching Global Warming!
Is this Steve O's clone again or another one of Napalm's sheep?
It sounds like you'all were sitting a little too close to each other at the Giuliani "private function" and you must have gotten a high from all the smoke coming from that blowhard Rudy Giuliani.
Welcome to Debating 101. Once your opponent has the upper-hand, change the argument.
So your "polling data" didnt hold much water and now that I have you on illegal immigration, abortion and gun control, then you change the argument to taxes and military.
Debating 202: Know when to to say when.
Rudy is a strong candidate on Taxes and Military and citing 9/11 , but how is going to rally the rest of the Republican base or the undecideds to win this presidency?
You have stated 2 things which you feel are most important issue facing our candidates; dollars in your pocket (taxes) and beefing up the military to counter countries such as Iran, Russia, China, and N. Korea...
I would agree with your assessment, however I feel you should add Abortion and illegal immigration to that list as well. Understanding the way these candidates feel on these 4 issues is key.
#1 Illegal Immigration: as I stated before, Giuliani ran as a social liberal and fiscal conservative to win the office in New York. He has catered to illegal aliens and has a poor record to show. For over 6 years he has passed initiatives supporting health care for illegals and offering a safe-haven to illegals. How can you ignore the fact that Rudy is so weak on illegall immigration and what makes you think he would do anything differently when he was elected?
#2 Abortion: You say that no one gives a shit about his record on abortion. But, I would tend to disagree with you. FACT: Over 34% of the Republican party is a voting for a "Pro-Life" candidate first and foremost w/o considering any other factor.
So, how is Rudy going to win the nomination if 34% of the Republican base is NOT going to vote for him?
Interestingly enough, I dont know if you have any children yourself, but Pro-Life issues tend to effect voters more who have children themsleves. So I think there is at least 34% of Republican voters who DO give a shit.
The last 2 issues are the bread & butter of the Rudy campaign. If he can't convince the American public that he is strong in these issues, then he is in trouble.
#3 Taxes: Giuliani strong point is his candidacy is his record on the economy. I would be confident in his ability to lead the nation and keep taxes down; both for individual and corporate.
#4 Military: I agree with Rudy's stance on the military, what conservative wouldn't? If the only issue facing the presidential candidates were the War against terrorism and beefing up our military..then Rudy would be our choice hands-down!
You cannot hide from the facts. Rudy has a troubled past on 2 key issues. How is he going to convince 34% of the base that his Pro life stance is going to change in office?
Its going to be tough for all you Rudy lovers to stop buying all his propaganda and start looking into the issues.
Did you inhale?
Looks like the "Huckaboom" is starting to sizzle out. Huckabees surge is starting to decline and now it is time for the true conservatives to rise to the top.
I think Huckabee's true intentions this year was to someone's running mate, his true ambitions according to many experts was to be the VP. His southern drawl and religious perspective would be good for Giuliani
-New to the Game
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