Tuesday, September 2, 2008

With Friends Like These...

Dear Diddy,

Thank you very very very much. Keep up the good work.


John McCain


ConservativeThought said...

Diddy, Puffy, Puff-Diddy, Puff-Daddy,

Take a clue from your good 'ol boy Del Griffith...

"When you're telling these little stories, here's a good idea. Have a point.

It makes it more interesting for the listener!"

Anonymous said...

"There is not even any crack-heads in Alaska, no black people ..crime..in Alaska"...

sounds like a good idea for the lower 48 if you ask me.

Uncle cracker

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is supposed to be a role model in the black community? Unbelievable.. this is a true testament of how somebody completely uneducated and out of touch with reality can actually position themselves in american society as an influential leader.. this is ridiculous.

In fact, i think this is brililant.

This is a perfect depiction of what our country could potentiallz be empowering. A dumb, igmorant, racist black into a presidential position?

We need to get some milage out of this one.

Good looking out kneedeep.

cc europe

Anonymous said...

stupid punk. stick to your wack albums and cheap gear

-salient anomaly