Monday, June 30, 2008

++Younger Years++


ConservativeThought said...

When John McCain began his career as a congressman in 1983, he was known as a true Reagan conservative. McCain is a true American with a remarkable record in patriotism and heroisim.

McCain made the ultimate sacrafice for his country by serving in the military, flew fighter jets, was shot down, experienced the horrors of the Hanoi Hotel, been elected and re-elected to the US House and then the US Senate all before Obama even graduated from college.

Obama was too busy being endoctrinated by Rev Wright in 1987(when they first met) to worry about enlisting in the military, let alone fight for his country's rights. Obama's values and core beliefs are different than yours or mine. He has defined his life by the people he associates with...he has had his children baptized by Rev Wright and currently has the largest amount of money raised by questionable sources/lobbyists.

The choice is simple, Vote NObama.

Anonymous said...

War Hero? or a closet Muslim.

Choice is yours..