Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Wesley Clark pictures

"I don't think riding in a plane and getting shot down qualifies you for president" weasley clark

The freaking amazing thing about this statement other then the fact that it breaks a common code of manhood is general weasly clark was referring to John McCain's judgment.

I don't know about anyone else on this site but I think if you fly a plane regardless if its civil aviation, with the airlines, or in the military, you have got to have pretty damn good judgment. How about landing a jet on an aircraft carrier after an all night sortie. Sweet work asshole

It reminds me of of that football coach, that one time who used "playoffs" for the following "judgment... judgment... you kidding me judgment"

While Baraks mom left him with his grandparents as a child to become a fellow traveler. I wonder if she tought him his judgment... uhum Rev. Wright

Well done fag.. how many civilian targets did you bomb in Bosnia... all because you couldn't find a freakin map...

I hate this guy however I think they should send him out more... what a putz


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wesley Clark has one objective w his anti-McCain agenda... And that is to get himself a job. If anybody watched Hannity & Colmes last night you would have clearly saw Clark eloquently & tactfully yet forcefully put in his place by Oliver North filling in for Hannity. I don't care what anybody says, but nobody has more credibility about war than Oliver North.

So yes... Clark is an asshole. And a putz.. And soon to be unemployed!