Thursday, August 7, 2008


Dear fellow patrons of the conservative chatroom, we (the original authors) have exhausted all resources, spent countless hours evaluating, and ultimately concluding that the attacks of 911 were carried out by the government of the United States of America. Please note that the official position of the Conservative Chatroom is that we are on the side of the theorist.

As such we feel obligated to show a bit of gratitude to all those who not only helped influence us but also took over the site. So fellow patrons please be watching your mail closely. We will be sending the following...

1. The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger (please expect this to arrive monthly)

2. Beer bottle. (this is to be put on the inside door handle. It will alarm you for when "they" come to get you)

3. Aluminum Foil (you should cover all windows in your crib. This is extremely helpful when "they" are watching.

4. Emergency home arson kit with ignition switch ( this is ONLY to be used as a last option, for when "they" come)

5. Mirror and facial disguise ( the mirror can redirect sunlight into the little black helicopter that is following you. The facial disguise should be used again as a last alternative)

If there is anything else that can help save from these invaders please let me know.

As conservatives all of us our extremely busy, as such when we view topics such as candidates for vp we don't have time for you F-ING CONSPIRACY THEORY THREADS.

Please show respect for our authors who put time and energy posting on this site and the same will be given to you.

This is a great day for all you theorist. So So much has changed thank you again


KneeDeepInAwesome said...

Whoa, what the hell is this?!?

We did NOT talk about this and I'm outraged right now.

The aluminum foil is not for windows, it's to be worn on the head to protect from CIA mind-reading devices (well, they belong to the CIA now - they stole them from the aliens at Roswell).

Anonymous said...


-salient anomaly

Anonymous said...

Whatever d-bag, don't try to act cool in front of your boss. We just had a conversation on the phone last week and you told me there were discrepancies. On top of that you were saying B.O. had some good points to his campaign. So really?

-salient anomaly

Anonymous said...

Ha (laughable)... Your statements are false. I actually had you and your five conspiracy theorist aliases in mind when I wrote this.

Oh, my boss appreciates my coolness

Jo daddy

Anonymous said...

Finally... Someone has a real plan with what to do! I wasn't sure how to handle myself if "they" came. Now that I have a step by step guide to safety, I think I will refrain from taking my own life.

Thank you,

Tom B.

Anonymous said...

1776 -

Thank you for exposing how ridiculous this 911 crap really is. Although I have only been around for about 2 weeks, I agree that the site needs to take a new direction... The 911 conspiracy theorist are most likely not among the founding members of this forum. After all.. this is the conservativechatroom, and as we all know, conservatives typically don't engage in such off the wall crap.

Is there any way that I can post an article? I will put this to bed once and for all

Stevie G

Anonymous said...

Stevie G the only thing you can put to bed is fellow men. Your such a fag. There is like three of you that chirp like women and thats all the fuck you do is chirp. No support, no facts just a bunch of dumb kids sucking each others cocks.Ive participated in this blog, (yes I'm republican) for a year and I have to say I'm threw with it. Very unintellectual stuff, girl scouts. You sound like a bunch of liberal cry babies that could not find your way out of a paperbag.


Anonymous said...

I'm really sad to see you go Vic. I'm sure the site will miss your cursing rants and personal attacks. I must admit, you build such astounding credibility for yourself by your desperate choice of words.

Take care.


Anonymous said...

Stevie G! I love it! You actually think you have skill? Your a turd burglar of the lowest denomination. All you do if offer opinion and sit on your imaginary sententious pedestal. Your self created esoteric delusions are fucking comical bro. I'm calling you out queer bait. Because, where I'm standing your just an emotionally charged liberal that likes to put on his conservative cap "so he can fit in with the boys". If we sat across from each other, I would bet my life you could not tell me who founded the Republican party. You couldn't even tell me 5 of the amendments. You could not list the positions in the white house cabinet. You could not even name the planets in the solar system. I would wrap my dick around your neck (I know you would like that) and start you like a lawn mower. Your a poser. Please, don't lower the intellect of this site, we are barely scrapping by as it is. Please by all means disprove building 7. You want it you got it. The floor is all yours chump change. I hope I find out who you are so I can give you the Neanderthal beating I know I would give you at my whim. I'm laughing over here! Quit whacking off to your Andy Dick poster and blow our minds! Were ready to be ELECTRIFIED!!!

-salient anomaly

Anonymous said...

1976 states, "Please show respect for our authors who put time and energy posting on this site and the same will be given to you." Where are your articles? Wher have you contributed to this site? Respect is EARNED not given. We looked for articles but it seems you just don't have any. What a fag

Tim S

Anonymous said...

It is beneath me to ravage up some rebuttal to Salient's scum. Is it me or is Salient completely out of touch with reality? Does he not realize that the last post (in its entirety) was pointed directly at him?

This clearly demonstrates the painful oblivious world in which Mr. Salient is dwelling. This entire blog has distorted credibility because each time someone (rephrase: Salient)is challenged on their views, all we read is a laundry list of personal attacks. Over what? Science Fiction?

Its painfully obvious to the average blogger that the salient has some serious issues. And we all know the Salient type. Unemployed (or barely employed) and hadn't been laid in a long long time. A habitual masterbator sitting in a dark perverted dungeon with tin foil on the shades AND (now thanks to suggestion from kneedeep) tinfoil on the forehead constantly on the look-out for "them" to invade.

Salient... allow me to let you in on a little secret in life.. Anybody making a significant contribution in the real world has absolutely no time (and knows better) to engage in swapping personal attacks with an absolute NOBODY. I make an exception only because today is Saturday.

And to engage in science fiction? Who (besides salient) has fucking time for this?

Lets debate something of interest to the conservative community. An issue that actually pertains to our individual lives. Something like illegal immigration, Obama's proposed corporate tax policy, or personal income tax reform. Ooops.. I forgot that probably wouldn't apply to you salient. You actually have to have an income to undertand the consequences of that issue. But something relevant to the real world that most conservatives enjoy discussing. Not discussing aliens from outer space or blaming US for 911.

FYI.. Even Rosie O'Donnell had the common sense to give up the 911 conspiracy.

Really Salient.. I think its time for you to hang up the towel. Go get laid. Enroll in a spinning class (if your tank ass is under 400 lbs). Do something to occupy your time.

If you still decide to linger your pathetic existence in this forum, I welcome a debate on something worthy of a moment from a productive US conservative.


Steve Gostomski

Anonymous said...


LOL, what a jerk. I work around 60 hours a week. In fact, I just got back from the office sleaze bag. There is plenty of time in life for everything. Obviously, what takes you an hour to type, takes me ten. Can't help you there. Last time I checked, I have quite a bit of conservative supporters. It would seem your side is the delusional one. I really don't care what a uneducated blip on the radar screen as yourself has to say. However, you clearly stated you wanted to write a rebuttal. So, be a man of your word and do it. You did not elaborate as you said you would. Therefore, your word does not mean shit. Instead of addressing the issues at hand you use subterfuge and side-stepping. At this point I stand uncontested and undefeated. The only one that had any decent points backed up with outside sources was kneedeep. While others put up comedy or emotional responses, him and I live in the same world of intelligent debate. You should take a lesson from kneedeep little sleazy g.

-salient anomaly

P.S. Were still waiting to here an intelligent debate on how you can put this 911 thing to bed. No emotion please. We want outside credible sources and an informative essay. PLEASE BLOW MY DOORS OFF!!!

This is the second time I have called you out. Are you going to be a bitch or show some intellect. Or are you just all talk?

Anonymous said...

Gostomski got knocked the fuck out!

Anonymous said...

Steve states, “Is there any way that I can post an article? I will put this to bed once and for all” (referring to the 911 discussion). Then states, “And to engage in science fiction? Who (besides salient) has fucking time for this?” Wow! What a flip flopper. This reminds me of a John Kerry tactic. We got Steve Gostomski a truly emotionally charged flip flopper in the house!

Then Steve States “I'm really sad to see you go Vic. I'm sure the site will miss your cursing rants and personal attacks.” Then just a couple responses down Steve responds, “Who (besides salient) has fucking time for this?”. Then, “Really Salient.. I think its time for you to hang up the towel. Go get laid. Enroll in a spinning class (if your tank ass is under 400 lbs). Do something to occupy your time.” Talk about looking stupid! When it comes to the Pin heads and patriots award… Salient is a patriot and Steve is the king of pin heads!


Anonymous said...

Oh shit! Talk about getting worked over. Hows that shiner steve? I hope to God you don't let us down. Your backed into a corner now. Are you gonna keep your word and put this 911 thing to bed or make us look stupid?

Anonymous said...

You just lost all credibility Steve.

You truly are a pin head. Talk about

a blow-hard!


Anonymous said...

Steve I think salient is of his rocker, but you look like a huge dipshit!!!

Anonymous said...

o.m.g! Steve sounds like he has a small dick.

kelly :)!!!

Anonymous said...

This site is getting tired already. It used to be enjoyable to read this site, now it just hurts to even read this childish bickering.

Anonymous said...

the 911 conspiracy theorists have all the time in world to post on this site because they have all been waiting for Madden '08 to go on sale.

Now that moment has passed the rest of this site hopes they will go back to their parent's basements and shift their focus to playing video games and let the grown-ups discuss the real issues.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

And yet these dumbfucks can't back any of their shit up!way to go steve! you made us look very week. Salient smoked your ass bad. Why would you say those things and not back your word up? Blah blah blah? Thats all we can put together? hmmmm


Anonymous said...

By the way "no moment has passed" It just goes to show, some people simply do not have the mental capacity to clearly focus a argument. The article put up by 1976 truly shows how childish this site has become. loud mouths like steve g just proved this guys point. Salient proved his point.
Any dult can see that as clear as day

Anonymous said...

Im surprised C.C. allowed this kind of childish dribble to be posted. I liked this site because it was always hard-nosed. I don't have time in my day to read childish irrelevant posts.

I hope you realize this posting is just ridiculous.

Neil M