Wednesday, October 1, 2008


So, a leaked memo written for the liberal power-players within the state of Colorado by the nation-wide leftist organization called the “Democracy Alliance” has hit the newswires and in it, the strategy of a campaign to “Educate the Idiots" where they are to target "minorities, GED’s, drop-outs” has been revealed.

But really, is this anything new?

Isn’t the entire socialist mantra of the left a call out to the minorities, GEDs and drop-outs of our nation? The whole of the Obama platform is exactly that: “Don’t worry idiots, we’ll pay for you, support your kids, pay for your healthcare, increase your minimum wages, and if you fuck all that up, we’ll protect you from evil legislation like 3 Strikes if you go out and start committing crime!”

The uneducated masses have always been the central voting block of the left, mainly due to the knee-jerk response to leftist propaganda. When people are constantly telling you that if you vote for them, you’ll be taken care of and if you don’t, some rich white guy is going to put you on the street, you listen. And when you’re an idiot, you hear these messages over and over again both in the news and in pop-culture (music, tv and movies consistently tell you that there’s nothing more evil in the world than an old white man in a suit), you have no ability to think otherwise. For a moment, erase the majority of the common-sense you were so thankfully given and pretend you too are an idiot. Now, the left tells you this:

“Conservatives want to cut taxes for rich people and take away government programs that you rely on!”

And the Right tells you this:

“Conservatives want to cut all taxes, for the rich included because then more money is invested in business and our economy, increasing jobs, stimulating growth and innovation and improving our nation as a whole.”

Now, as an idiot, who are you more likely to vote for? The kneejerk reaction is to be wary of the conservative and to ignore their point because it requires foresight and is less immediately tangible.

The fact is, the liberal belief system is made up of a false standard of “fairness.” Ask any rich liberal about fairness and he’ll cry to you about the poor but then look at his tax returns and you’ll notice that the bullshitter gives less to charity than any of his conservative counterparts. He’ll cry to you about the inequities of the legal system and how minorities are unfairly profiled, but the bullshitter has never been in a bad neighborhood in his life where he didn’t lock the doors of his Volvo (if he’s ever been at all). The concept of the limousine liberal, crying for the masses from his penthouse condo is nothing new, of course, and this revelation that rich liberals have outright disdain for minorities, the poor and the uneducated shouldn’t be either. Their very policies are the way they are to keep the status quo in tact. Let’s be honest here, why is a liberal so against school choice? First, of course, there’s the fear of the minorities coming in to their kids’ schools and the horrors that would bring, but more importantly they are concerned with keeping the poor in failing public schools so they can keep “them” separate. Remember, it’s not about actually giving a hand up, it’s about giving a hand out. Who cares about teaching a man to fish, the man is poor and smells bad, just give him a fish and tell him to go away while feeling good about yourself for helping.

In a world where the soundbite is more important than the speech, the liberal ideology will always ring more true in the heart of the idiot. “You need a union so you can get paid more,” is much easier to understand than “If the union forces the company to pay you more, the company’s profit margin shrinks, less money is pumped in to the community in which you live, and the company can afford to hire less of your peers and you’re more likely to lose your job in any type of crisis.” Liberal stump speeches about “Free Healthcare!” are much more exciting than conservatives trying to explain why government-controlled healthcare will provide you with considerably less health and shockingly less care. When liberal politics are injected in to the mass media in the form of entertainment, who do you think that is reaching out to? Do you believe that more smart people or more idiots are watching Saturday Night Live? What concept do you think is more easily digested to an idiot: “War is not the answer” or “Peace through strength”? When Barack starts hollering about ending the war, the idiot instantly thinks “Oh, no war would be great!” They can’t really figure out how military action abroad keeps us safer at home. Why? Because they’re idiots, remember?

Conservatism is not knee jerk. It actually takes a bit of thought. It takes a bit of foresight. Most importantly, it takes a lot of faith in a person to be better. Liberalism is emotional. Liberalism is about what’s best for me right now. It’s about trying to solve a problem by throwing money at it as opposed to getting your hands dirty. Most importantly, liberalism believes in government more than people. It believes that people, especially the idiots, can’t possibly get along without the government’s help.

So I’m sure that this memo will get some newsplay on Drudge or talk radio for a day or so, but the MSM will never pick it up and it’ll just disappear. But does it really matter anyway? If it did get out there, liberals will just tell the idiots that the rich white man did it.


Anonymous said...

Whoa.. how does a conservative respond to this? As the director of the ConservativeChatroom, I personally will grant $500 dollars cash via UPS for the best post of 2008. And this post is my inspiration. This is hands down the most articulate and well thought out piece of conservatism ever brought to the ConservativeChatroom. Who can can step up?

And... to make it better, I will seek sponsors to double, triple, even quadruple the winnings!

We have some masterminds on board at the ConservativeChatroom. Bring it out.. And NOW! there is no better time in our lives to make a difference!

Anonymous said...

The article is fair at best. While it makes some great points it also has sweeping generalizations that degrade the integrity of the Authors points.

Wheres the responses? Great articles get great responses.



Anonymous said...

Great atricle my ass. Republicans are like broken records. Can you come up with something new?

You are nothing but spin artists! How can any human in the right state of mind find free healthcare (for ALL people not just those who are fortunate to afford it) not a great thing? But rather spin it to something that is not great for people? Or society? Only the damn republican mind could justify that.

And this article is just that. Spin doctors at their finest. I can't wait when you lose this election. All the visitors on this site will be blaming each other for why you lost. Just wait. Because the day is coming. And there is nothing you can do to avoid it.

Anonymous said...

The post wins the dough, not the responses. Mr. Brennan, your entry is not worthy of a response.

By the way, Prize for best post is up to $600 now thanks to our first sponsor.

Anonymous said...

Bullshit Breean's post is not worth a response. This chatroom besides salient annomaly can only see a manipulated perspective. The majority of knuckle heads that come here cannot debate issues but throw mindless rebuttals like "Mr. Brennan, your entry is not worthy of a response." That's a PUSSY MOVE! How about counter debating with outside sources too support your arguments?.....

Then you have them say, "I don't have time to respond to that"? Then why come here? I thought the purpose of a blog was to debate? BUT the vagina republicans on this site can't construct educated retorts.

The facts are... This article is O.K. It makes sweeping generalizations that are just not true. All you have to do is look at the RED states and see that they have voted GOP for the last 40years. The look educational systems in those same states and you will see where the idiots are. Then compare those to the blue states.

Debate that fact.....

The Champ is Here

Anonymous said...

Sorry to dissapoint the visitors here with my 'not worthy of reply' comment but let it be known that Mr. Brennan & I have a long history disputing healthcare. Despite his expertise & success in the medical device industry, I must say his veiws on nationalizing healthcare are dangerous. Especially to his own profession! Our longterm debate will bore our audience.

However, there is good news regarding healthcare. If the oreo marxist does get happen to get elected, I am confident that his ambitions to nationize and destroy the quality of medicine in the US will be on the back burner. His outrageous spending plans (not including special interests) will give us some time. Even B.O himself acknowledged he will not get to it right away. That leaves time for him to be out of office (either through impeachment, assasination, or term limit) before the time comes when the democrats get around to even discussing how they could afford such a radiacal healthcare agenda.

Conclusion: B. Hussein Obama might squeek in (corruptly), but his impact will be minimal to us in the healthcare industry.

Tee Franny said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Well.. well.. well.. Mr. CC... Nice of you to actually respect my privacy by not divulging a into our 8 year old debate on what's wrong with our healthcare system. But you couldn't resist.. you had to let it all go by slipping in what you think is the last word.. Never fails. But I love you anyways...

Let me ask you something in front of your Republican friends here and please don't get all worked up... My question is why on earth are all the big executives at Phillips, Siemens, GE, Boston Scientific, & Medtronic all big proponents of free healthcare? Wouldn't you think that if it were bad for our profession, the experts would be against it?

By the way, can I call you Lou-Lou instead of CC?


Anonymous said...


I don't know you, but to drop knick names like that is not cool. Thats fine you use your name, but being a liberal and a beta male you more so than anyone should respect ones choice for unanimity.

-salient anomaly

Anonymous said...

I don't know Tom probably because theses cats know they will be able to lobby the government into getting equipment contracts at government controlled facilities.

And since when do democrats care about what CEO's think! That is going off script tom tom. We have all seen what happens to libs when they wander off the path... It can get down right embarrassing.

Tom tom, I need a favor, because you obviously have a direct line with all these big wheel ceo's, why don't you please ask the ceo of ge why he continues to conduct business with Iran.


Who is this so called champ.
Champ of what goo gobbling
Debate what facts dork ... oh maybe something like this

Detroit Michigan

Blue State 2004
2 democrats in the senate
democrat governor
democrat mayor who was thrown out of office

35% of the students graduate from highschool.

proud of that arent cha..

How does the pillow taste son

He asked me to give him the 6 inch but I will be dammed to fold it in half

Anonymous said...

Yo witty<

we suffered 400 years of opressions. Now we gonna paint that white house a liter shade of negro. Yup Yup. wez abouts to make a come up major. Finally we got you white boys in line. Youz a dead mutha fucka now! buya and right back at you. Im about to seattle into some chicken bean pie, and gritz. yOU KNOW DAT NIGGA oBAMA WILL KEEPS IT REAL

Tre loc

Anonymous said...

Thanks to our conservative viewers I do not need to BLAST you like I always do Mr. Brennan.

Our audience wants to know why Nationalized Healthcare is bad for our nation, bad for the quality of care, and bad for most of the medical industry. I will make this very simple at the moment. In order to adequately explain the impact to our healthcare system in its entirety, it will require a lengthy post. But as to why its bad for the medical industry, well that is much quicker to explain.

Lets face it Tommie, GE, Siemens, and Phillips are all for Nationalizing healthcare for obvious reasons. You and I both know your business stays alive primarily from your large contracts with the different hospitals and managed care facilities (like Kaiser Permanante). And without those contracts, you will be forced to compete with guys like me. And you and I both know I will be forced to eat you alive again if that were to happen!

In a free market you have tons of competition. You have small companies with competitive products and you have private medical offices that provide competitive services with the hospitals and managed care facilities. Most products in private practice don't buy from you. You have less presence with minimal distribution. For those of you that don't know, the big 3 (GE Phillips Siemens) are big companies that rely on contracts (special interests) with big hospitals and socialized facilities for the majority of their business.

No wonder you want nationalized medicine. You want everything out of doctors offices, and into the hospitals/managed care where you own the contracts! That explains also why your company (and big 3) are forcing accreditations for every medical institution because you want to make it as difficult as possible for all doctors offices to provide basic services.

Also your competition will be limited with socialized medicine. You only have to compete with the other 2 companies. And most of that isn't competition, its worked out on a political level removing the sales rep (guys like you and me).

Yes, theoretically there could be more unit product sales could occur (for the big 3) with free healthcare. That because when you drive out private practice, you will need to replace with more socialized facilities. That means more contracts executed again on the government level. Declining reimbursements with free healthcare will put private doctors out of business, smaller medical companies out of business and create more socialized medical facilities with less qualified physicians. The less you pay, the lower the caliber doctors you will get. This combination will kill our dominating medical industry.

If You don't think I'm right, look at San Diego. You know San Diego. They are STILL recovering from HilaryCare from 12-15 years ago. It is poverty with doctors who don't give a shit because there is no incentive or reward to great care.

And there you have it. Less private practice, less competition, lower quality of care.

Lets face another fact Tommie.. You're still bitter that you made more money at Cardiodynamics 5 years ago than you do now at GE!


Anonymous said...


This dispute will never end! Good site though Mr. CC... Looks like some of your fellow conservative friends are there to back you up. I am outnumbered.

How do I write an article to appear on the webpage? I think some of your republican friends can learn a thing or two from a Medical Device Democrat!

Anonymous said...

blah blah blah is your retort Tom? That is just pathetic. CC must have you by the stugots. That actually educated me. I want to choose my doctor. I don't need the government to tell me who to see. Why not give adults who don't have medical insurance a straight fee of 75.00 a month. Children 25.00. If they maintain GPA's over 3.00 for a school year its free. That way we can brighten up these lower class idiots. Remember, white trash is a choice.

-salient anomaly?